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Posts posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. IKEA.

    I put a spacer under the mounting rail for the wet-side units (to increase the depth of the void), and used low profile pipe clips to surface mount the pipework behind the units.

    Units go together well, everything mounts solidly, and their design software works pretty well, imo.

    And as noted above, buy worktop from elsewhere.

  2. Clean out the heat exchanger.

    Fit a water softener - by which I mean a proper ion exchange softener that uses salt, not one of the snake-oil magnetic or electronic jobbies.

    Set up the softener to give 10-20ppm hardness, and make sure you keep the salt topped up.

    No more problem with blocked hws heat exchanger.



    Suicide rate is over twice as high as UK, Japans is over 3 times as high.


    Somehow I don't think their societies are quite as healthy or well balanced as presented by the BBC.

    Compare suicide rates for other Northern nations like Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland - all higher than the UK, IIRC, but closely correlated with with winter day lengths. Japan's high suicide rate is more to do with a highly pressured society, with very high expectation of conformity to societal norms.

  4. I note that the author skips over the matter of Iceland very briefly - high up on the per capita ownership table, but down near the bottom of the crime stats.


    The trouble appears to be that the story takes the two extreme ends of the ownership distribution curve, and presents them as a binary choice, rather than two ends of a continuum, and invites the conclusion that ownership levels are the only determinant, which is disingenuous, to say the least.


    It also presents the long-standing removal of firearms from the Japanese population as being a crime-reduction measure, whereas it was merely a continuation of the previous laws forbidding peasants from owning weapons of any description.


    A weapon that would allow an illiterate farmer to defeat a highly trained bushi (from a much higher social stratum) was definitely never going to be allowed out into the wild in 17th century Japan.


    This, then, explains the historically low ownership of firearms in Japan. A similarly analytical glance at the history of the USA gives a parallel explanation for their high ownership.


    Neither, on their own, explains the disparity in gun crime rates. Looking at the middle distributions of both ownership and crime rate tables, where the statistically significant results are to be found, it is very difficult to draw any relationship between the two, which rather pulls the rug out from under the "fewer guns= less gun crime" argument.


    I don't pretend to have the answers - I do think that while the UK system is a very long way from being perfect, it is, perhaps closer than either of the above two.


    What does Iceland do?

    (Edit, to forestall facetious comments: apart from better than England at football ;) )




    CaptainBeaky - can only do Saturdays until August

    arm3000gt - 1st Saturdays 2nd Sundays






    Can't do any until February due to other commitments, and can't do Sunday's until late July.

    Hawley are ok about pumps - they have ESP, Compak and skeet. With 7, we could, as suggested above, use the normal layout and go round as one group - Saturdays would be better, as Sunday is their competition day.

  6. I would really like this and I wonder if you would accept a trade in for it for a Baikal MP27EM-1C 12 gauge


    Barely used = horrible stiff action


    Fixed that for you, Tim :)


    Baikal o/u's take a good while to break in - a popular mod in the States is to remove a few coils from the ejector springs, which makes things much easier in terms of opening and closing, while not reducing the propensity of ejected cases to take a eye out.

  7. Thanks for posting those; there were so many ideas that just 'fizzled out'. I suppose that most were just not as good as the ideas that 'lived on'

    Herein lies the fascination - the ideas that didn't catch on, the ones that seemed like a good idea at the time, and the ones that would have worked using today's techniques and materials.


    Please keep on posting this stuff, Feltwad :)

  8. Thanks, fw - I was busy yesterday, so only just seen these.


    The three-barrel jobbie looks a brute, and the side-opening pinfire gun looks like an accident waiting to happen: "slide the barrels past the hammers, with the primer pins exposed - what could possibly go wrong?"


    Wonder how many were sold?

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