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About Corky68

  • Birthday 30/01/1968

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • From
    Skegness, lincs
  • Interests
    Shooting, walking, countryside and Motorsport
  1. Recently purchased one of the lightweight magnets, 2nd time out several of the spot welds broke, had to get it welded up locally, I'm guessing they are Chinese made-very poor quality
  2. You need to contact seller through gunwatch, he isn't a member of pw so won't see your reply mate.
  3. Very good job, decoys look great, probably better than a lot on the market.
  4. Someone looking for a set in wanted section, 👍
  5. Hi, I had one, it was too low even with the legs fully adjusted and the legs sank in the ground so ended up even lower, I use the bucket/swivel seat at mo but am saving for the stag chair available from pw at a good discounted price.
  6. I've recently bought one, put about 1000 shells through it with out problems, got a winchester sx3 and a Benelli but prefer to shoot the escort, kill ratio is far better with it, can't praise it enough, hope that helps, only minor fault is the chokes tend to work loose and need checking regular.
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