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Posts posted by Wilts#Dave

  1. 1 hour ago, ashtons99 said:

    Unfortunately Rolex AD’s don’t have waiting lists any longer where stainless sports models are concerned . They have “preference” lists where the likelihood of you getting a call is greatly increased if you spend with them, jewellery, gold, less desirable Rolex etc. Anyone who thinks they can walk into an AD with no previous purchase history and get a call at some time in the future on any of the desirable models will be waiting a long time. 

    Absolutely, I’m well aware of this. 
    A friend who’s an avid watch purchaser is very well acquainted with a local dealer and for example recently acquired a new 36mm explorer purely through having a good relationship with them and then offering it to him, so I know how it works! The submariners are even harder to be chosen for of course. 
    Hence the inflated secondhand market for people who don’t wish to go down that route, the dealers frown upon anyone buying to sell for profit hence the selection process 😂

  2. 54 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    They were £10k when I looked at them after finishing Uni. 

    Almost double that now. 

    A good return indeed. 

    If you could/can get to the front of the waiting list and buy them new at retail cost they were and still are realistic money, but due to the exclusivity of the brand and being so hard to get hold of new the secondhand market is crazy for them!! 
    And discontinuing sought after models pushes the prices up even further 😭

  3. 37 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    They have several on Watchfinder and usually have several on there. They did a couple years ago when I was also looking. 

    I also kick myself for not buying one of the Hulks as I instead stuck the money into my ISA.


    I think the Hulk has gone up in Value more than my stocks and shares 🤣, although I’d have to wear it not just sit it in a box. 

    100% the same, I’d have to wear one too and would have still gained a lot more in profit than 7k in any savings account!  

    I bought a Breitling Colt as my first proper ‘watch’ some years ago from a friend who worked in Goldsmiths for around 2k. At the time I tried on a Hulk and was in love with it but couldn’t justify the 6k odd they were then……if I’d known what I know now obviously I’d have bought one 😂

    I wouldn’t pay the over inflated cost they fetch secondhand nowadays for one though. 

  4. Lovely watches and great investments….I knock myself for not buying a green ‘hulk’ before they were discontinued, not that one would have been easy to obtain anyway! 
    I’ll mention these to a friend who is a collector also. 
    Surprised you have three watches of the same model? 

  5. Never had a problem, but even in a 4wd I’d drive up the tramlines/where it’s shortest and been driven on already……when it’s really tall stubble it makes a hell of a racket hitting the underside! 
    Much more civilised when it’s been topped off 😂

    Rough on your legs in shorts too! 

  6. 13 hours ago, daveboy said:

    I think things have changed since the new rules came in... My latest check came with a 6 pages of paperwork.

    They’ve not changed really and always been there, just recently become mandatory to have a satisfactory eicr for the rental sector. The company I worked for over 15 years ago specialised in periodic inspections back then, but never targeted the ‘get in and out as quickly/cheaply as possible’ market so I had a really good insight into the testing side of the job. 
    They take time if you’re to do them thoroughly and not make up half the test readings (which is very easy to do)! 

    15 hours ago, mgsontour said:


    Thanks for the in depth reply. 

  7. 12 hours ago, JDog said:

    Good luck to your son but he wouldn't get any business from me charging £150 per Landlord's Safety checks. The electricians I use for those certificates are long established, well respected and charge £75 per property.

    Must be an area dependant thing, cost wise. 
    I’ve come across varying levels of competence when it comes to EICR’s on rental properties, and none of the ‘cheap’ ones have ever been filled out correctly, and some of the coding / comments and subsequent remedial works I’ve come across are laughable.

    Impossible to carry them all out properly on a one price fits all policy, but if they’re being done so for £75 by a reputable company that’s a very good deal JDog. 

    It’s a part of the job I don’t overly enjoy, and I’ll not do one for less than £150 either. 


  8. Magnificent machines, it’s little wonder driving them is the cream job on a farm reserved for the highest in the pecking order. 
    I worked in agriculture for several years in my early working life and still miss harvest time/tractor work even now…..amazing time of year and the machinery just keeps getting better/bigger and higher tech! 

  9. 6 minutes ago, peck said:

    Thanks for the replies but its someone with a machine that presses the back on the watch that i want, as i said the jewellers tried to do it but could not manage it. I would imagine that they would have a press but were afraid to damage it. 

    You didn’t honestly think a genuinely waterproof watch you’d be able to just lever the back off and pop it back on again! 
    Was over £100 to have a battery replacement carried out on my Breitling, sent off via Mallory’s had to be returned to Breitling to be done.  
    Even being a cheaper brand I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s still rather expensive for something you’d assume to be straightforward. 
    Make a call to a decent jewellers will see you right! 

  10. 1 hour ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    Hello, I cannot see gas being phased out this century, new homes are still having boilers fitted, old boilers need replacing, a friend does 3 services a day between 9 till 4 and travel, £150 a full service, but am not sure on cost of gas certificate ?

    Gas boilers won’t be fitted to new builds within the next 5 years if the government stick to their plans, 2025 is the current deadline), never mind the end of the century 😂

    Obviously won’t affect the millions of existing homes for a good while, but will still impact gas safe engineers that work on the vast number of new home installs……renewables (and electric) will be where it’s at until they can find something actually green (hydrogen maybe). 

    Servicing a waste of money in a lot of cases, from what I’ve been told by gas engineer mates (although they love doing them) as you say the money is good! 

  11. 8 hours ago, udderlyoffroad said:

    I've not had any issues and  take my L200 everywhere my Discoveries went.  But I do pick my battles, don't 'Clarkson'* it, and on our DIY syndicate we have access to a UTV (side-by-side) in case the ground is really sodden.

    If you want something small to ride over the rough stuff rather than through, that's fine but they are very compromised on the road.

    YMMV as our American friends say.


    Agree. I’ve got a series 5 l200 68 plate, low mileage and all the creature comforts for a decent car bit can lug all my pigeon gear across fields/muddy tracks then take the Mrs and kids on holiday! Such a good vehicle/compromise I love it. 
    Obviously not the off road ability of something smaller with big tyres but does plenty well enough off road for what most will need! 

  12. Gas is due to be phased out, renewables i’d assume would be the thing to go into if starting out now (plumbing mainly).
    In my opinion (and my area), electricians seem harder to come by than plumbers/heating guys which seem to be everywhere due to the ‘boiler change’ cash cow which can undoubtedly be good money. 
    If you’re good at what you do any of the trades you listed can earn good money! 
    I’d go with whatever interests you most and the best training opportunity that comes along. 
    I’m an electrician, fell into it through a chance job offer when I was 21 rather than through choice as such but has given me a good living so far, and the opportunity to run my own business which is rewarding in lots of ways and potentially quite lucrative if you find the right work/contacts. 
    I always fancied being a carpenter to be honest! 

    34 minutes ago, mgsontour said:

    I started as a sparky but realised quickly that if you increased the numbers of wires and decreased the voltage the wages were much better so as above gas boilers are an example of putting a twist on a particular basic trade. . . . . take a look who is busy and charging fortunes and there should be the answer

    What line of work are you in now? 
    Always interests me where people start and what they can end up doing one way or another!
    Often you just don’t know what opportunities are available for your skill set. 

  13. Not been as productive as I thought, barley stubbles this time. Had a few blocks to go at and good numbers seemed on the cards but only managed two afternoons of 51 and 47 respectively so far. May get one last go if the last block isn’t cultivated over the weekend! 

  14. 90 in a few hours is always good sport, well done. 
    The very few fields of rape we’ve got here are a week or so away if the weather stays fair I reckon, pigeons didn’t touch it through winter but may go for the stubble with any luck! 


  15. 3 hours ago, CountryBoyTweed said:

    Eyefor, I won't touch on the first question because many 'professionals' will give you a different opinion.. 

    The first block on the left is your earth terminal. The second block on the left is your live 'loop' terminal. The central block is your two way switch live block (THIS IS WHERE YOU WANT TO CONNECT YOUR NEW LED STRIP LIGHT). Lastly the block on the far right is your neutral 'loop' (THIS IS WHERE YOU WANT TO CONNECT YOUR LED STRIP NEUTRAL)

    . You could also bring all three of those earths together for simplicity, no need to terminate them in separate blocks. May I suggest that if you're going to do this yourself, get rid of those block connectors and pick up a selection of clear WAGO 221 connectors from your nearest Screwfix. You'll get a far superior connection and they're a doddle to work with. Good luck! 


    Elgreco is spot on. +1 for WAGO's. 

    What makes you assume the yellow cables on the left are earths? 
    If they are they’re not labelled as such,  and I’m not sure why someone would have run a 3-core cable and used a core as the earth (difficult to see if it’s really old cable with no separate earth conductor). Certainly worth checking with test leads anyhow before joining together with the other more obvious earth cables. 

  16. 10 hours ago, JTaylor91 said:

    The same can be applied to any sport really. Football...kicking a bag of wind round a field. Rugby much the same but you get to throw the bag of wind too. 

    Agreed, I find both rather boring and certainly wouldn’t choose to watch them on tv…..but then again I understand plenty will disagree and spend their life talking about it. 
    Does make me laugh when others mock what someone enjoys doing when it’s not their ‘cup of tea’ 

  17. A great day and a great report…..nice read! Glad you had some good sport, it’s the days like that we all wait for! 
    Strangely I’ve always had a 100 plus day on barley every year but this year only shot once for a 40 odd bag. 
    Strange how every year is different as I’ve had all my 100 plus days this year on peas! 
    Hopefully you’ll be in for a good day when that barley is cut 👍🏼

  18. 18 hours ago, old man said:

    When others take your attitude against any guns you may have, maybe you will think again? 

    It's not the tool, always the fool?

    I'm with GC on this one.

    Of course it’s who gets hold of them that are the problem! 
    Had guns all my life but don’t see what crossbows have to offer really, never come across any proper target clubs etc for them although I could be wrong!? 
    I don’t see why they couldn’t be licensed as shotguns are though, so they’re not so readily accessible was my point mainly. 
    For a start there are nowhere near the amount of mindless accidents/shooting of cats and swans etc with shotguns, because they’re not as easy to obtain as a legal limit air rifles! 

  19. Never fathomed why crossbows are even a thing, obviously everything is dangerous in the wrong hands but Joe public really shouldn’t be able to buy them! 
    mom guessing you’re not wanting the confrontation of mentioning it to them yourself, but to be honest that sounds downright dangerous and could have much more serious consequences in the future if they carry on. 
    Neighbours/family eh 🙄

  20. 1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    I am sure you are correct, but it still means their buyers did not source sufficient batteries.

    The exact same model of cordless lawnmower is available under a different name at another supplier, but it comes with a charger and a battery for a similar price to the Aldi version if you add on the charger and the battery.

    Horses for courses I suspect, but I reckon I will not be the only one to complain to Aldi Customer Services.

    Just take the mower you’ve got back to Aldi for a refund and buy the other version, would be the easiest solution surely? 
    i agree, most frustrating though! 

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