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Posts posted by nicknsd1978

  1. I weighed my gun the other day after been concerned about its weight. With the luggage scales it weighs 8.73 pounds....I'm about 5'10 medium build. I can't help thinking that it's too heavy....I'm still new to all this but when im on the stand I don't seem to be able to manoeuvre it as well as some of their other people you see. It's mainly just skeet that I'm doing at the mo

  2. I was hoping that it would help with my gun fit....my instructor confirmed that the gun fits me ok but you can still mount it slightly differently...I was just hoping this may help so you can tell straight away if you have mounted it wrong or not....plus won't it help on knowing where the end of the barrel is for determining your lead?

  3. Hi I'm thinking of going to Cockett Farm on Monday 3rd November. I'm off for the week so want to get some practice in. I'm very Very new to the sport....in fact I've only been out once on my own so need some guidance.....does anyone know what it's like? And will they welcome complete novices like myself....can't hit much but enjoy trying

  4. I'm after buying my first lot of cartridges but unsure as to which ones to buy. I will be using them for skeet only. What cartridges would people recommend I get? I believe you can buy them mail order. I don't need anything to high spec as i am only just starting out so I guess i can just get some cheap ones for now until I can actually hit something....I assume though if I wanted to try sporting you could use the same ones? I was thinking of buying 500 or 1000 straight away. What do people think?

  5. Had my first 2 rounds of skeet today after having lessons. Scored 10 on the first round and then 15 on the second round. The pairs were on report......I don't mind saying I was as nervous as hell. On the first round my mind went completely blank as to where I was supposed to be aiming & shooting etc. was actually supposed to be having a practice session on my own but didn't quite work out that way.....how do you think I did? I'm hoping things will become easier with practice

  6. Hi had my first session on my own today after having lessons.....didn't do fantastic but I suppose practice will make perfect. The next step is to get my own gun in the next week or so. Was thinking of a silver pigeon but wonder if spending £1300 plus on my first gun is taking things a little too far. A guy I was shooting with today had a Webley & Scott which made me think about things once I got home. What are people's thoughts? Just been looking at the 900 delux for a fraction of the price of a silver pigeon

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