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Posts posted by nicknsd1978

  1. So I've been out on three occasions to three different spots in 600 Acre....main fields are rape, wheat (I think) and linseed. Now I know the linseed isn't going to give much shooting but the rape & wheat (I think) should give good sport surely. It's all new to me so still learning. I've told myself not to think too much about the first few visits and use it more for learning the land. Few small groups of trees around and hedge lines separating the fields and I've tried to look for flight lines but in all honesty I've only seen odd pigeons dotted around and really nothing to give me a good indication of where they are flying from and too.....suppose I'll just need to keep watching. I guess it may change come harvest time. I'm shooting in Cotham/Elston on the SW side of Newark towards Nottingham

  2. Good morning, I'm like you two and will be looking out for BASC running the next introduction to pigeon shooting course. I missed the last one that was run at kibworth a few weeks since. I hear that if we can get enough of us together they can put on a course specially....don't know how true that is. I would definitely be up for doing it. I know they are running another one in North Yorkshire later this year which is a bit of a trek

  3. My new silver pigeon is now roughly 2 years old. Although for the first year I treated it religiously every few weeks with some CCL gun stock oil the pleasure of doing this soon wore off. I haven't treated it for a good 7 or 8 months. I'm wanting to get in some game shooting this winter and didn't know if I would be better to go back to putting on some oil or just putting on some CCL wax polish instead. I have a beretta gell comb raiser though that literally sticks on so didn't know if it would effect this sticking to the wood

  4. Went out today for a couple of rounds of skeet. Was ok fun and shot pritty well scoring 21/22 but on the way home I thought well If I was out shooting pigeons I could have put that £12 into another 75 cartridges meaning I could have shot 125 cartridges instead of the 50 that I did and had just as much fun but also serving a real purpose making those few hours allot more rewarding

  5. What's the best way to start pigeon shooting? I have l emailed pigeonshooterleicester and I have thought of attending the basc introduction to woodpigeon course in may at kibworth but other than this does anyone have any suggestions?...it's something I'd only be able to do once a week on a weekend

  6. Does anyone need any company in the hide for a couple of hours in the Nottingham area....been shooting for a couple of years now and have recently fancied a go at pigeon shooting so if anyone fancies any company for an hour or so even in a non shooting capacity then I would love to just come and watch I could always just bring the gun along if you fancied a hand but can't promise I'll hit allot. I'm 38 years old in full time employment working Monday to Friday......don't know if I'd ever take it up serious as not sure I have the time with having a 10 month old daughter and only having the weekends free but would love to see what it's all about after coming to the conclusion that although "trying" to hit clays is great fun maybe pigeon shooting would serve a real purpose

  7. I'm guessing my hold point is to far out. I have been holding square to the base line and then bringing it out slightly more. I think I'm then moving too soon when I see the flash of the bird....someone said to try holding closer but when I do this I find I'm chasing the bird....I think 25 shots on this stand alone will help do the trick

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