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  1. Hi all, thought I‘d put my two pence worth after reading an old post about potential cross-breeds between pigeons. Wood pigeons do cross with Ferals now and then. Seen them in Hyde park and Crystal Palace park, but never out in the countryside. Smaller than a wood pigeon, with dark banded wing bars, but a white neck patch. Shocked me when I first saw one. It had the slow caution of a wood pigeon, but patterns of a Feral. All shooters should be able to recognise Stock Doves, Ferals and wood pigeons. All are different shapes with a difference in flying styles. Stock Doves are like the Spitfires of the sky, agile, stubby winged, extra sharp vision. Ferals thinner, longer wings and both tend to fly close together, almost colliding. Both even float with wings held at a sharp 'V' shape - something a woody never does. Ferals are the town and city ancestors of coastal Rock Doves, which are very much protected. By the way, in North Kent here, I'm starting to see Ravens on a regular basis, be careful you don't swing through one and drop it. Generally large size, long head and neck length and V shaped tail (V outward, not inward like a Kite). Best wishes all.
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