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  1. Finally! I’ve found someone who got a higher quote than my £125! 😃 I was worried about running out of time so I paid it.
  2. They will be trained internally, and given operational guidelines based on the forces own training protocols, with supervision from the senior officer in charge of the licensing unit. What is more menacing is whether this ‘new groupthink’ is a particular angle more lead by the rampant Home Office underlings who basically hate us being able to shoot anything better than a solid gun. If the message is as all encompassing and draconian as that which NHS staff adopted from their ‘top down’ managerial system during ‘Covid’, then look out! As stated in my reply above, if the training is fair, proportionate and professional, without compromising the rights of the shooting community then I couldn’t agree more. It’s when this ‘training’ could be now or in the future updated to push an agenda from outside the Policing College’s control.
  3. It seems crazy that for what is literally only a few minutes work (10 absolute tops) they will turn you away when it’s easy money. I can only assume it’s either anti-shooting sentiments or possibly an unwillingness to be part of the infrastructure vouching for an applicant? Rather odd when your reference does not (and must not) receive any form of payment for their endorsement of the license being renewed or granted. My doctor doesn’t know the first thing about shooting, as we established in the rather protracted 10 minute ‘private appointment’ to go through my records and tick the little boxes, sign the form and stamp it etc. He did seem rather more chirpy and upbeat than when diagnosing a chest infection, I suspect the £12.50 per minute I was paying him had something to do with this. 🤓 West Mercia Police were superb as usual and my new certificate arrived a few days prior to the old one expiring. Next time I will get my research done in good time and hopefully shave a few quid off the medical part of this wallet-drainer. In context, I suppose even £174 all in for five years isn’t terribly expensive compared to motorsports licences and whatever a pilots license costs to maintain. I’m enjoying reading all the posts on this thread and marvel at the diversity of experiences we all seem to have, both with our doctors practices, third party handlers, and local firearms licensing teams.
  4. End of May my friend. Renewal letter stated application should be submitted no longer than 8 weeks prior to expiry to be considered a ‘timely’ application in the eyes of the law.
  5. Well fellows. I ended up sucking it up and paid the £125 for my 10 minute private consultation. Came out with a filled form and an empty wallet. 😖 I guess I hold the UK record for extortionate Medical Certificate charges, but at least my application is in well before the renewal date and hopefully I will avoid needing a Sect. 7 extension. Next time around I think I’ll apply super early and use one of the cheaper online services. 🤓
  6. No reason at all, other than the negative reviews I saw on ‘Trustpilot’. I am impartial and just basing my decisions on facts I can research in a limited time span. Do you have a good experience with Medcert? If so please share. This was intended to summon answers to my problem with real life ‘case studies’ rather than a back & forth. P.S. Having had no response from my GP in almost a month, I’d looked at Medcert, and was going to take that route if I had to. The £50 - 7/10 days deal from my local GP just seemed easier and a no-brainer. I am now looking for a solution that people have experienced first hand and can recommend. Thanks.
  7. Seems I’m being royalty ripped off. Anyone had good experiences with the online cohort of Doctors? I need to find a solution to this sooner rather than later. 🙏
  8. From your GP? Wow! Seems I’m getting stitched up. Anyone out there able to offer a fast, effective online company to process this formality?
  9. I have until late May when my certificate expires. I acted as soon as I got the notification, and with hindsight would have applied sooner had I known what a fiasco this is turning out to be. 😌 Thanks for all your replies so far regarding this matter.
  10. Thanks Steve. Sounds like you got a bargain 👍🏻 The real issue is, I can’t just submit my renewal (online or on paper) WITHOUT this damned medical form 🤷‍♂️ so I risk going over the timescale for a section 7 extension by their rules due to the hindrance of this process, which is less by the Co-operation or otherwise of your doctor. This whole addition to the renewal process seems to be an Achilles heel to the licensing teams’ effective operation. I don’t suppose you care to share the details of your helpful doctor so that others could consider giving him some business? 😉 With the delays in completing this part of the renewal, one would expect the reminder notices to be sent a few months before they actually are, to avoid this last minute panic to get the forms in order. Compared to my last renewal which was a breeze, this is turning into a nightmare!
  11. Some advice please ladies & gents? Had my renewal reminder end of January and set about trying to decipher this new medical certificate part of the process. Decided to print off the documents and drop them at the GP surgery, requested an invoice as per the guidance letter included. Having not heard anything I called them and they said there was no record of them receiving it. 😐. Was told to bring them in, along with £50 cash and it’d be sorted in 7-10 days. Seemed reasonable to me. Long story short, I’ve reprinted the forms, filled out as much as I am allowed and re-presented them in person at the surgery. I was told the cost (by a different receptionist) of £125!! With the cost being over double what Medcert and the like seem to charge I asked her what timescale could be guaranteed for completion at this inflated cost. Turns out now I’d have to attend a “10 minute interview” in person and presumably walk out with the forms, although this wasn’t implicitly stated. Having read the BMA guidelines there is no mention of a requirement for a medical interview, and this all seems a little irregular to me, not to mention expensive! I’ve read conflicting reviews of MedCert and better reviews of others which are little dearer, but none as bad as £125 and the requirement to attend an ‘interview’! Who did you folks use, how long did it all take and what were you charged? Did any of you have to attend the surgery for an interview? 😳 Answers on a postcard.
  12. My mate who has a nut allergy likes to play Russian roulette with my Squirrel & Rabbit kebabs.
  13. I'm a big fan and wearer of Haix. German made and just as belligerent.
  14. An electric under blanket and a hot water bottle held to the abdomen might be a better bet. Also recommend a goose feather duvet. However as Ack Ack suggested, laying dormant will reduce circulation, and thus increase the risk of clotting. I'd seek proper medical advice or ask him to do so.
  15. I hope your dog is ok, can't add to what others have posted, but I know that I'd be fretting if anything happened to my own dog. Good luck!
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