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Everything posted by ShootingEgg

  1. Have ordered a sample to see if he will eat it.. Although he is a spaniel And it is food so....
  2. Has or does anyone use this food? My boss feeds his lab on it and is very happy with it. At the moment i am feeding my springer pup on skinners field trial puppy. And am finding he produces alot of waste, and not always firm. Is that something other field trail users would say is normal? I am possibly looking to switch foods so anyone using millies or have used? Pros cons etc?? Cheers Adam
  3. Got home last night to a very smug mother... last year i built a larsen trap as we had a stupid amount of magpies. Yesterday i get home to find it got put out yesterday as there were a few about. A soft shelled egg from the chickens had been put in and within an hour she had one in the trap.. She was very happy with herself... Then asked me to.do the honours...
  4. Another good bait is wet dog food. Get a can dont open it but put a knife through the sides and open it up a little, so they can get to the food but not take it away. Will keep them in line for a good bit of shooting.
  5. As ive never used a daystate, I couldn't possibly comment on the fact the hw100 must be the better rifle as i bought it.. Right evo?? ;-)
  6. Sounds like ive opened a can of worms here.. So far touch wood, (there is enough on it) ive not actually had a real issue with it. The lose Barrel is easily fixed.. Apart from that ive had no issue.. So are they really that bad?? Also michael, after two going wrong why buy a third??? If id bought something and it breaks i would give benifit of doubt and give it another go. But not third time....
  7. Thanks for all the tips guys. And evo dont worry i may add to my collection and get a daystate.. Want an fac air rifle next. And have had the fella apart. Gave it a little clean too. Now all back together and zero'd. And the mod is now not on tight.. God knows why it was as tight as it was....
  8. Haha i am guessing maybe you are not surprised it has the problem? I actually think its a good gun, ok a little heavy but what it hits it stops... Just a little odd that the grub screw has worked loose.. I bought it a few years back, it was ex demo so warranty has definately past. So off to shop to get it sent to gunsmiths it is, unless any one in bristol area knows of a gunsmith i could take it to directly?
  9. ShootingEgg


    i have noticed that the barrel on my hw is loose. I tried to remove the silencer so i could take the air bottle off but the barrel decided to spin aswell. I know it is held by a grub screw so will be tightening this. But now the rifle is a few inches off. Would this be due to the barrel spinning. and ive read that the barrel should be in a certain position,and cross over could happen? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Adam
  10. I opted for a bottle, was using a pump until it failed on me at 200bar, the handle clean broke off when it was fully compressed. Leaving the centre rod to fly up and into my stomach. Ended up in a&e with an internal bleed. Lucky for me it ended up as just a massive bruise and solid lump of blood just under the skin. If i didn't have a thick jumper on it would of been a different story..
  11. Well i thought i would do the old find labd owner and ask politely. And it worked... Next saturday i will be stood in the wood waiting for them pesky pigeons to drop in on the ivy etc. Then bang bang i hope.
  12. Think i need to get the roost shooting.
  13. The small barn is on the flight line on one wood edge, but as i say one shot and they sit in the tree waving at me.
  14. Pigeon, stout bacon and mushroom. Woth root veg casseroled is a damn good meal. And best to crown the bird..
  15. Very true about the day being fun.. Obviously a few in the bag is always welcome. And now its a case of what to use. 12g 20g or 410. Tempted to use my s/s 20. Good old dtne...
  16. Bode, my main issue is that the field is L shaped, bottom of field has gardens on it so no lead area there, and theres only say 5-6 hundred yards width with fur and loral woods either side. As soon as you shoot they sit... Its a tricky one but one i have had good days at. Guess its all about getting it right... Might try the magnet out i got from a1 decoys, but im still only 50/50 on if that really helps or hinders
  17. Thanks for all the advice.. The little man is growing fast... And so far not alot phases him(touch wood)
  18. Looking at doing some decoying tomorrow, but am unsure if i should change tact.. The field i have been decoying has an old stone barn in the middle of it. Great for cover and the netting just goes across the entrance. My thought is that due to having woods either side of the field, the birds arent coming in on the decoys as much as id like, and was thinking of maybe setting up an in field hide under the flight path, hoping they might drop close enough for me to shoot. What would people suggest??(unfortunately i dont have the shooting rights for the woods so no waiting for roosting) Cheers Adam
  19. If it is a committee I would have thought they would have a chairman/woman? In my opinion they would sign it on behalf of the committee?
  20. As in mark etc? Or north? I find wrington good for roost shooting or for pigeons coming in on ivy in the woods.
  21. Billy, at no point did i say i wanted to do it now. Christ im not that harsh. I just wondered at what age would be a good time to start. and then a way of building up to it gradually
  22. Hi, am looking for land in north Somerset to use for pest control, be it decoying crows or pigeons, or out with the night site on the rabbits, fox and rats. Anyone needing unwanted visitors removed i would happily take this on. Adam
  23. My bad, been a long day at work.. Apologies
  24. Thanks for the quick replies, i have a cd with noises on it and that plays in the background whilst he is eating etc, i make sure i put my hand in bowl etc when eating and drop metal bowls also.
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