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Posts posted by pegleg31

  1. I'm inbetween lincoln and gainsborough. Fine with dogs

    I can email pics of the dogs to anyone interested as the file is to big. Had the dogs out today, they're both fetch a dummy sit and stay and take directions although a bit rusty. Neither do blinds yet! And both seem to be on the whistle but the dog is rustier than the bitch although she has selective hearing at distance. They both walk to heel on and off the lead and have both flushed pheasants while out walking

  2. +1 on Makita stuff, Hilti is of course top dog, but mega £££

    We seem to have a lot of Drywallers on here?

    Are you purely Drywallers or are you Multi Skilled Tradesmen?

    Been in Drywall since 1980, now Multi Skilled, Demountable Partition, Timber and Metal Stud,Jumbo stud, all suspended ceiling systems, Skim, Joint, Hygiene Cladding ( thermal bending) etc, etc


    Joiner by trade but like everything you have to diversify so now doing everything in the building trade except Brickwock, Gas and Electrics.

  3. The blokes a insert swear word ----, he's just got a deaf white patter dale to breed from. I can't stand the bloke. I'm not bothered if they go to working homes or family homes I'd rather the dogs enjoy what time they have left so choosing the right people will take time not just going to offload them to the first person you has an interest.


  4. I say one or two as I'm tempted to keep one lol.


    My partners taken these from her landlord where she has her business with his permission as they are to old to breed from so he's lost interest. The bitch has had a litter every year, cockers one year cocker poos the next. He's lost interest now and leaves them in a kennel with no bedding. Not sure if they work they're about 7/8 well behaved but not house trained yet ( we're working on it). Seem to be good with kids so far, we have three the youngest being 18mths. My partner is insistent on them going to a "live in" home as she thinks they've had a bad enough life already. Not looking for money for the dog/ dogs however we would ask that a donation be made to the DBA or Anthony Nolan charities.

  5. Being completely computer illiterate I'm looking for advice on where and how to going about designing a unique/ original logo for my business and cards. I've looked on the online sites but want it to look a little different to all the run of the mill designs.

    Any help would be appreciated


  6. Injectors go, gear boxes, clutches. Mines got a fault with the diesel pump at the minute. One minute it'll start fine the next it starts and then cuts and and you have to turn it over a few times until the pressure builds up. Other than that they're not bad vans for their money

    Plus depending on what you do, consider a long wheel base as a plaster board just goes in laid down and a sheet of ply has to go in diagonal in a swb

  7. I thought they showed real courage and proved that they were up for the game and wasn't going to get bullied, it's just a shame they didn't go into the game against MK Dons with the same attitude or they wouldn't of been hammered 4-0 on that occasion.

  8. I've just purchased an item off ebay but it's collection only so I need to arrange for a courier to pick it up. I've spoken to the seller and he's fine with it so I could do with knowing which ones are good and which ones to avoid.

    Thanks in advance Russ

  9. N


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    My God. I'm a dog bore, aren't I?! :rolleyes::rolleyes::yes::yes::lol::lol::lol:

    Never get bored with dogs

  10. Splitting friends and families seems melodramatic - this is chip-wrapper news, nothing more!


    Regardless of Twitter rumours, trial by TV and PR, he had a good serving of porridge following conviction. No doubt the defence team rubbished the character of the victim at trial, but he was still sent down. And he still cheated on his girlfriend, or was that somebody else's fault as well?


    What any of this has to do with Tesco, hunting or battery farms is beyond me.

    Did you not see the bit (b) how footballers behave in general (/b) and as for splitting families I mean that everyone has their opinion, right or wrong. The mother in laws nephew and her disagree to the point she's told him he's over reacting.

  11. Fans complain that clubs do not listen to them, whether it be price, travel, kit, etc. On this occasion, lots of fans complained that they do not wish their club to hire a convicted rapist. In reality, this means they do not find young Ched a sympathetic character and have decided that their club can do without one more conceited, spoiled throbber.


    For those who say there's a grand conspiracy and the victim "asked for it," etc, the jury didn't think so when they heard the evidence and that's that. He's supposed to be appealing against his conviction and let's see if that changes matters, although he still cheated on his girlfriend on the night in question, so he's still a scumbag.


    If only he and his PR team had shown a little more humility when he was released, perhaps he'd be working - if you can call it that - now..?



    Is it fans though, this has got everyone talking about it. I overheard two people talking about it yesterday who thought it stinks he's not allowed to get back to his career and start making a living, the mother in law thinks he's innocent. The whole saga is splitting friends and families. The way I look at it is like this, those who think he's guilty without doubt and shouldn't go back into football are like the bunny huggers who disagree with hunting and killing animals for sport but go to tescos and buy there meat without giving it a second thought to where it came from or how it was raised. Those who have taken the time to look into might not like the chap or how footballers behave in general but wether there's blame on his part or not the girl isn't as innocent as she's being made out to be.

  12. I too bought a battery (£7.00) as recommended on the Freel2 forum. I could not un solder the battery in the fob. There are companies advertising (Ebay, Amazon) that offer to replace the battery/fob for £45.00 - £99.00 but are they any good or trustworthy, that's the question.


    Had anyone on here ever soldered a new battery or used one of these companies?

    I think timpsons did his for him, they're at tescos sainsburys etc... . Might be worth your while to try them.

  13. My partners father got a quote like this as his batteries had died and land rover told him he needed new fobs and reprogramming to his vehicle. After messing about for an hour he got them apart and got the batteries from timpsons, total cost............... £12.

    Hope this helps


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