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Everything posted by strad

  1. Hi is this still available? cheers
  2. Hi Is this still available? cheers
  3. Hi, I built myself a spotter a few months back, with help from the forums, so firstly cheers guys. When I put it together the only thing I had lying around for a handle was an wooden hammer handle! it did the job and had a certain rustic feel about it, but after a fair amount of use, I decided it could be improved upon! Something a bit more useable and practical primarily, but also wouldn't have minded something that looked a bit better as well! Came across this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351650770638?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Its a tripod for cameras etc. the legs fold up to form a decent handle with a rubberised grip. I drilled a 5.5mm hole in the bottom of my project box and screwed it straight in. It seemed to work well so I unscrewed it a bit and superglued it as well. It works a dream. I deal for when I am on top of the landy or some hay bales. use it like a normal handheld spotter, then you can put it down next to you and still see through it whilst changing over to the rifle to keep an eye on Charlie etc. Hope this is useful to someone. I thought it was a bargain at £11 (ish) quality seems good for price.
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