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Posts posted by RockySpears

  1. 8 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    i love fungi/mushrooms...........i love doing and using them in carbonara.....hungarian goulash....and various other foods.............i would love the knowledge and skill and confidence...to harvest these treats...........

    but doing so would be way beyond my payscale and knowledge....so i leave it to others to harvest

    its all a bit of a black art to me........

    If you only learned to identify  half a dozen or so that would be a great thing, Chantarelles, Ceps and Field mushrooms are great and once you are confident with those, you can learn more.  Don't touch things that are not Ceps, Chantarelles and Field mushrooms.  They are delicious,



  2. Finding more time to look into various hobbies/interests and started looking at Mycology.

    Can any one recommend a book or App that is not just a load of pictures or a Google image search?

    I have tree and plant id books that do a sort of 20 questions to guide you to an id e.g.  Is the leaf single or palmate? are the veins alternate or coincident?

    So far everything I get book-wise  means you have to look at every page to see if it looks like the one in hand.



  3. 7 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Or stop them breeding?

      How dare you!

      The next thig is you will be telling me I need a licence or something, like a dog in years gone by,  just to whoop it up with ma ho.

    BLM don't ya know,


    42 minutes ago, henry d said:

    Loads other questions anyone could ask, perhaps we could start at what are you doing to alleviate human suffering today?

     and that is my job why?



  4. On 01/05/2020 at 19:03, NoBodyImportant said:

    Didn’t you all have a Elm disease a while back that killed them all?  

      The tree tops die, but the roots live on and produce a bush, then a small tree, then the disease gets them.

      One day a random mutation will mean we get them back,  may take a few millenia, but we will,



  5. 19 hours ago, Dave-G said:

    so I'm just storing it at home instead of letting a supermarket do it for me.

      Just to point out that the stores do NOT store it, there are no warehouses out the back of Tesco, Sainsbury, Aldi etc etc, go take a look.

    The tin you bought yesterday was probably delivered over the weekend and will be replaced from the Just-in-Time supply chain over the next.

    Should the number of HGV drivers be severely (maybe even just moderately, say 10-15%) impacted, you are likely only to see certain "essentials" delivered to stores and not the plethora of choice you see today.

    Added to this will be the number of people "stocking up", which will exacerbate any issues.  Not that I don't think it a good idea, I do, and have, but there is probably little time left now to do this in relative calm.

    Amongst the litany of special measures brought in (or perhaps just mentioned about possibly being brought in), was anything about "Hoarding" said?  I seem to recall this being an offence at some point in our history.  Best not use the Credit/Debit cards, cash only, you don't want Tesco telling HM Gov. that you bough 30 tins of Beans and Pork Sausage just last week, so no Clubcard either.



  6. 11 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    BUT, on the same day
    26,283 people died of Cancer
    24,641 people died of Heart Disease
    4,300 people died of Diabetes
    and on that day, Suicide, unfortunately, took more lives than the virus did, by 28 times.
    Moreover, Mosquitoes kill 2,740 people every day, HUMANS kill 1,300 fellow humans every day and Snakes kill 137 people every day.

      People keep bring this sort of thing up and I would ask of them:

    If it is "just the Flu", why is China shut down?

    Why can you not travel to Italy in my company?

    Why are buses driven from Brize Norton to The Wirral?

    Why are schools shut down just 2 miles from my home?

    If it is "just the Flu" why the heck is the world destroying it's economy?


    Either it is not "just the Flu" and they are justified in their actions, but this means they know it is more than "just the Flu" and are not telling us this.

    Or ...

    They just want more control over our lives while the crashing economies, which was coming anyway, happens.



  7. 19 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    Just wait till the panic buying starts

      I would make a guess that none on here will be in those "scrums".  All stores neatly packed in vermin proof containers.  Nothing fancy, just the tinned stuff and a sack-load of loo roll, a few 5L water jars and a bottle of thin bleach.  Nothing you wouldn't use anyway over the course of time,


  8. 10 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    but currently it is a very very low risk in the UK, and all countries are being sensible in trying to decrease the spread.

      Tell that to my colleagues in our Milan Office.  Now being issued face masks and hand sanitiser.

    Everything is low risk, until it's not.  Being prepared is a good plan,



  9. 15 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    A water filter will not remove viruses.


    The Black Berkey Filter and Virus Removal


    15 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    FAR FAR more people die from flu than this virus.  Flu kills 646,000 people every year

    OK, "It's just the flu".

    So China closed down , for the flu.

    Italy Closes Lombardy, for the flu.

    Austria want to close Italian border, for the flu.

    Yeah, it's just the flu,




  10. Daughter up from Bedford this weekend for Birthday.  She is a vet.  They have no surgical face masks and cannot get any in.  Operations are now often "mask-free".

    Don't worry though, "it's just the flu".  Still saying this on the Radio and TV.

    A few extra rations in the house would not go amiss at this point folks; Extra toilet rolls, water and a filter system may not be a bad investment too now.

    It's not the actual Covid-19 that will get you, but the fact that you cannot leave your own home for two weeks or more, on pain of death apparently: "Police, and if necessary the armed forces, will have the authority to ensure the regulations are enforced. " from the BBC story on Italy posted above.


  11.   There is an increased use of Food Banks, because there is an increase in the number of Food Banks.

    If I could get free food, I would, who wouldn't?

      To those on lower/no wages I'm sure it is very nice for someone to hand them a couple of carrier bags of cornflakes and corned beef at no cost to them, that does not mean they actually need it!



  12.   I have never seen Glycerine as a sloe gin ingredient.  I use a teaspoon in 5L demijohns for my wine, but my sloe gin is just sloes, sugar and gin.

      On a blind test no one can tell mine from a Sipsmith's, Gordon's or whatever.

    I use the gin from Aldi, nothing fancy.

    After straining I refill with Pale Cream sherry and leave it alone for months.

    After the pale cream I am going to give the chocolate liqueur a go.




  13. 14 hours ago, ph5172 said:

    I have an honour band 5. £30 from amazon. 

    Wife and mother in Law have Pro Band 3's, also by Huawei.  They both like them.  They are water proof and can measure pool lengths and even which stroke you are doing.  They have the newer GPS system for running/walking/climbing, show your texts and call alerts (if you want).  Monitor sleep pattern, heartbeat and steps + more.




  14. Any one have a hardback, preferably early print of this?

    The Leaping Hare by  George Ewart Evans

    Looking for a copy for my daughter, she doesn't get many of the Pratchett references.  This book would enlighten her.

    Thank you,



    PS  Yes I know ebay and Abe books, but if any one has a dust gathering copy ...

  15.   Moving House.

      Lucky enough to have new one before selling old so would like to get FEO approval before actually moving (the fact that this means I have more space for new guns has nothing to do with it!).

    Looking for 5-7 cabinet with storage (or a separate storage locker for ammunition).

    Preferably single key operation.

    15-20 miles of Stockton-on-Tees would help too.

    So long as the thing locks, I can sort out appearances with a wire brush, steel wool and a tin of Hammerite.

    If I can keep it under £100, I stand a better chance of being "allowed" it,



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