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SxS .410


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On Saturday I was in the local gunshop buying some cartridges when I noticed a mint condition Belgian sxs .410 on the shelf. After checking it over I bought it. The gun is in perfect condition and has 29 inch barrels. The only problem is it appears it is only proofed for black powder. Is this a problem? Should I return it to the shop I bought it from? Will it be safe to fire modern 2.5 inch nitro cartridges?


Thanks for any help

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I have since spoken the dealer who assures me it is proofed for nitro powder. The proof marks are a vertical oval with E above LG above a star. There is then a star above a P and then an elongated C containing .410 / 65 - for the caliber and chamber length. Anyone any the wiser on these marks?



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The ELG above a star in oval is black powder proof for rifles used from 1810 to present , The star above a p in an inspectors mark , And the c with 410/65 is your calibre and chamber length , What you need to find is a lion above PV that denotes nitro proof in belgium and has been in use since 1891 .



Edited by Andy H
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