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Rabbit Kz


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I was out yesterday afternoon/evening and laid over over an area rife with Rabbits. Stalking around the hedge line of the field I came to my third of the evening. It was quite windy but I waited for a calm in the wind however, the pellet strayed a little to the left. The shot was a text book 35m and the Rabbit dropped immediatley, following the usual aerobatic somersault and lay on the ground with just a very small twitch of the legs.


I collected my rifle and bag and walked to the new catch and examined it. To my amazement I found that the pellet had entered just below and back of the jaw, i.e. top centre of the neck line. Now I always go for a head shot and usually aim just eye side of the base of the ear which provides the desired result. Could this new shot placement also be as effective?


Has anyone got any thoughts?





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Dont know about any of you, i find it to differ from rabbit to rabbit. Some will drop if you just look at em, others ive hit time and time again with a rimmy and they still go on running. Whether its adreniline or some bunnies are just harder than others!


Ive hit bunnies in the head and have still ran for 10 - 15 yards, then again ive fluffed shots and hit them on body and they have dropped stone dead. I guess it depends on the condition of the rabbit and how the pellet reacts inside the quarry.


I think some are just hard ********!!! i know if you *** me with a air rifle i would'nt be running away, id be on the floor blaring!!!! :lol:

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I wonder if you snapped his spinal cord Axe?


My best ever shot was from behind a rabbit from about twenty yards. I aimed for the back of his head, under the ears. He just slumped - not a twitch. The pellet entered the base of the skull beneath the left ear and exited through the eye. Obviously took out exactly the right spot on the way.

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I wonder if you snapped his spinal cord Axe?

I was wondering that myself, if that is the case I might try the next few shots in the same place. It was a very efficient shot!


Jon-boy, I know what you mean and without detail, suffice to say I had one recently that refused to lie down.





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I have also found that a shot to the neck which breaks the spine usually kills rabbits without a twich. I do find tho that it is very hard to make the shot consistently, especially over distance. it is my fave pellet placement when the rabbit is stood up and facing away. I generally go for the head shot and after shooting hundreds of bunnies with my S410 can honestly say that the same shot placement affects each rabbit differently although each one is dead just as instantly. back of the head from behind seems to work best for me.

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Ajax, Most of my shots are from the side as I beleive this allows stray shots to miss. Although, I dont get stray shots, its just something i've continued from the first day I walked into the field.


I have never taken a rear shot as you explain but have taken a front shot several times. This does seem to help prevent the muscle spasm you get with other shot placements.





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  • 3 weeks later...

have heard of rabbits falling over dead from a near miss as well (heartattack maybe?:() though the best one have heard of was where a guy missed the rabbit and saw the dirt kick up a little beyond but Mr. rabbit fell over stone cold. On closer inspection the only damage to rabbit was his ear missing, found a little beyond.



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Funny you should say that. I had one shot out at a smaller rabbit when I first started out. I did not make any visual note that the pellet missed and the rabbit dropped like a stone. On closer inspection, neither myself, snakebite or jjaxeman could find any evidance of pellet entry! Much to their amusement, "well done axe, you've scared him to death" :(





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If we are talking best shots here... I managed to get a rabbit from 30m where the pellet went in on the bunny's left eye and exited through the right eye. Made a really horrible noise, but I have never seen a rabbit go down quicker.


I agree with Axe about shooting at a side profile. If you go for the head (like we should be doing) then a miss will miss, whilst a hit will/should kill. Body shots just lead to a long and slow death in a warren unless you get lucky and take out the heart.



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I agree that the side on head shot is the norm and i wouldn't pass up the side on shot just to shoot from behind. I just like the shot from behind when its presented because it drops them without a twitch 9 times out of 10. I would also strongly agree that the head shot is the only sensible option certainly with legal limit airguns. I find that with the head shot you hit and kill cleanly or you miss cleanly. chest shots invariably dont stop rabbits instantly even if perfectly accurate, and can allow rabbits to get below ground before they can be picked up. Also there is a greater risk of injuring if the shot is misplaced. I have found had shots satisfactory out to 50 yards.




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Had a case yesterday. I was stalking a rabbit when suddenly one pops out of the hedge about 10yds in front by a fence post. I wait until he turns sideways and fire. The bloody thing flops back into cover. I thought that I had cocked up the compensation, but upon plinking at the post from the same distance away all was well.


Could it have gone straight through and allowed it to flop off or did I miss?

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I find that with the head shot you hit and kill cleanly or you miss cleanly. chest shots invariably dont stop rabbits instantly even if perfectly accurate, and can allow rabbits to get below ground before they can be picked up. Also there is a greater risk of injuring if the shot is misplaced. I have found had shots satisfactory out to 50 yards.




I don't know about you guys, but up where I shoot, wind can be a real problem, carrying the missile off by as much as six inches in thirty yards. Problem is, it's often unpredictable on hilly land where the pellet's flight may take it over sheltered and exposed bits. I've recently been shortening the ranges I'm prepared to shoot at because of this - it's a real issue on a gusty day. Head shot can easily turn into something else and a good shot on the rifle range may not always put the lights out instantly as expected. I'm getting about 9/10 knock downs and stay downs, but the others are almost always wind related cases where a quick follow up is needed. That nervous system drawing Axe linked to is well worth a good look. There's a lot of rabbit head that won't involve the brain when hit. You must all have had them go down flat like they were out for good, only to see them jump up again three seconds later - surely?


By the way - back of the head behind the ears works like a dream. They don't even twitch in my experience.

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Had a case yesterday. I was stalking a rabbit when suddenly one pops out of the hedge about 10yds in front by a fence post. I wait until he turns sideways and fire. The bloody thing flops back into cover. I thought that I had cocked up the compensation, but upon plinking at the post from the same distance away all was well.


Could it have gone straight through and allowed it to flop off or did I miss?

You usually know by the sound of the impact. Soil and grass makes a different sound. Shot one yesterday that 'flopped' over a three foot fence onto a neighbouring farm. Never saw one jump as high. It went over the fence backwards and upside down like a cartoon happening. It was on a steep slope when shot though so it was all downhill stuff.

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Never saw one jump as high.

I had one, two weeks ago, it jumped three times before coming to rest. I really honestly thought it was trying for the high jump record, it was clearing at least 4 feet. I had no idea they had this in them. Im just glad that it did come to rest quickly.





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