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It's illegal to shoot within 1 mile of an airport

David BASC

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funnily enough I watched an episode of that dodgy programme about Luton Airport and the guy who patrolls the airfield was there shotgun in hand while there was a pheasant drive just outside the perimiter. He had his gun just in case any made it over the fence :D


Sorry to jump in do late on the above response.


I have shot that drive the "Duke of Edinburgh" drive and it is a fantastic one...! (hence the name, as the Duke once shot it and it was his favorite of the day, so it was renamed after him)


That drive is a real tricky one, as you have the airport behind you, with about a dozen armed police sat on the perimiter (once they get wind there's a gun nearby) and any birds that land on the airfield cannot be thrown back or collected..


You also have the Midland Mainline track to the right and any pricked birds end up flying low across that. I did once watch a huge hen bird slam into the food carrage of an intercity 125 style train...!



Edited by harfordwmj
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Oh and we once had a really good moment, where the house that sits just to the right of that drive, next to the train tracks, had a shot pheasant land in the garden... The pickers up went to go and get it and the woman came out shaking her fist saying how awful shooting is...



....Followed by, "You're not having the bird back, as I'm now having it for tea."



Edited by harfordwmj
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Oh and we once had a really good moment, where the house that sits just to the right of that drive, next to the train tracks, had a shot pheasant land in the garden... The pickers up went to go and get it and the woman came out shaking her fist saying how awful shooting is...



....Followed by, "You're not having the bird back, as I'm now having it for tea."





I would have offered her another to go with it,


it may have helped mend broken bridges.

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BASC are targeting all the 'problem' licencing teams.


Every member in the area will get a letter from BASC detailing the types of issues we have, together with a BASC booklet called 'Myths & Fables' containing a list of the type of rubbish that some FEO's come out with, together with a discription of what the truth is.


At the same time of course we will target individual FEO's once we know who they are based on information from members, as we do already.


There are other plans afoot that should roll out in 2010.


For the time being, we can all rest assured that it is OK to shoot near an airfiled.




PS I am working away for a few days so may not be able to reply to any posts until tuesday



Sorry dave but when did you OR basc Target warwickshire police in the case of a member from warwickshire 18 months down the line basc has not lifted a finger in this case dispite it being the most OUTRAGIOUS thing i have ever read meaning the evidance they had or rather didnt Dispite there being NO CASE TO ANSWER DO YOU SERVE YOUR MEMBERS OR JUST YOUR SELFS ? Edited by Justintime
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JIT could you clarify exactly what you think BASC did / did not do for this chap in Warwickshire? And are you sure you have BOTH sides of the story? Also, before you try to get me to discuss someone else’s case on an open forum could you please get the person involved to let me know that it is OK for me to post on here all the details of the case from the information we received?


Anyway, unless this is something to do with shooting near an airfield I suggest you start another thread.



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I think the clue is in the question - that is "Private Airfield".


If it is a CAA Aproved Aerodrome, it would be covered by The Air Navigation Order, a copy of which can be obtained from the HMSO. Make sure it is the White Paper copy edition and not a copy. The regulations will be found in there.


If it is truly a private airfield, ie unregulated by the CAA, then the police need to be updated in their knowledge. A call to the Civil Aviation Authority at Gatwick will put put you on the right track. They may refer you back to the Local CAA Office, but they are very approachable.


Next - I shoot occasionally at Long Marston Airfield Clay Ground, which is of course, on the airfield

Edited by covlocks
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did you ever clay shoot at the little ground at Peters Green?


No, but I know exactly where you mean. One of the release pens is in the wood next to that. I also think that on the drive that goes from that wood someone once tried to shoot a fox that came running out and one of the guns shot the Labrador chasing behind it.... Put it this way, from what I heard, the guy holding the shotgun was more frightened of the picker up who didn't have a gun. Sad story.

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Blimey sounds horrible and pretty inexcusable. Most picker uppers I know would have inserted his gun up his rear orrifice for that. Used to be a good little club sadly not been for years as Saturday afternoons tend to be busy but all the local characters used to be there.

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I would like to just redress the balance a little here re: West Yorks Police Firearms Licencing, I have always found them to be very helpful and very polite.


I have called them several times to enquire about issues and have always been given good advice including the issue of an SGC to my 10 year old son.


They were speedy in dealing with my initial application and issue of my 'ticket', I currently have no complaints and only praise.


We can't all be right all of the time, and lets face it as discussed on other threads, there is often room for interpretation, and one man/woman may well interpret differently to another.



Dave B

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That is very useful feedback about W Yorks. Although when a FLO or their team do not come up to the mark I think they need to by brought to account. However, when they are good and helpful, just like you have experienced, then praise where praise is due.


To be honest, even in all of the ‘bad’ constabularies, the number of issues is pretty small. However, in some constabularies we may see say one complaint per 2000 certificate holders or lower, pretty low, but increasing that by just 1 per 2000, could bring that licensing authority onto our radar as it were.


I would say that in general, shotgun licencing is pretty much not an issue with almost all the constabularies; however, in some Sec 1 licensing may present some problems.


Again, thanks for the feedback.



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