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Speaking of criminals - just helped a mother of a mate - little old lady - parked in a private place that she didn't realise was protected by one of the numerous dodgy parking clamping firms in London - got a phone call from her in tears - some ******** clamping firm man (who when I spoke to him was a numb skull African who could hardly speak english) wanted £90 to release the clamp he had affixed to her car(thats worth about 100 quid). I waved him away with a smile stating that he could come back whenever he liked to pick up the clamp as it would most likely be in several pieces when he did so and no way in the world was he getting a penny. Well, a couple of minutes later a couple of herberts turn up(a supervisor for the company who spoke slightly better english). I explained to him that the area the car was parked in was full of miscreants and criminal types who might just cut the locks off a clamp to help an old lady in distress. This was when it became amusing. He tried his best intimidating behaviour which was in fact absolutely hilarious(he was about 25 stome of lard and could hardly walk two paces without stiopping for a breath). He tried to explain some sort of cobbled together law on criminal damage etc. Once I again explained that the clamp may mysteriously disappear once the sun goes down( I was going to take the old dear for meal until it did in fact get dark and then HOPE that someone might assist in removing the offending item). Well, we went for a coffee opposite where the car was clamped - ten minutes later Mr African turned up and removed the clamp - hey presto job done.


I hate with a vengence clamping firms - if you want to meet legal criminals then just park your car in a private car park.

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