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heel hob


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i was taking the pup for a walk today(in the van)when i noticed a ferret following a young girl down the pavement.

islowly pulled over and asked the girl if it was her ferret that was following

she replied yes

so i asked her if she had a lead

she said no whenever i get the lead out he just runs away

i just laughed and drove off.

has anybody else seen this sort of behaviour around?ferrets walking to heel!!!!!!

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Yes...... I have seen quite a few folk walking ferrets on leads over the years.


They can make very loving pets.


I work my ferrerts but have one Hob that I have kept as a pet for my young lad.


When it sees him in the morning, it grunts and squeaks at him and goes banannas in its cage. Once my lad gets him out it will run across his shoulders a few times, then position himself in the crook of his arm on is back awaiting a fuss, to which audibly shows his appreciation!!!!

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I walk my 3 jills! I walk mine on lead and harness and they trot along fine racing each other. I walk them on the pavement and on some set aside land by the local stream. Although mine are currently pets that live in a cub in the garden and come in the house for half an hour every day I do want to work them in the winter. So far there only ferreting experience is playing in a single deep rabbit hole. ???

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My Grandad once owned a Ferret that used to find its way home!


If it killed below ground and was "laid-up" he would leave it and it would always turn up. Hard to belive I know but I for one fully believed him. The country folk of yesteryear were brought up with nature and animals and were superb at rearing and training working animals. They spent so long with them in the field. ???

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