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Don't you just love weekends??


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Out this morning at 0500. Crept up a hill towards a den I have visited recently. As I approached the top I found this young dog and vixen playing in the sunrise. Got them both with a left and right (well over and under) at 40 yards with Lyalvale Magnum Max Game 53g BB cartridges (the business I find for Charlie).


Following what I have learned on this forum I waited for a while without breaking cover and hey ho – one of their cubs approached. He was too jittery though and never came within range, so he and I will have a date on another day.


All done including the picture by 0530!



My wife tells me off for getting up so early. She knows that I have found foxes at any time of the day and night – so why bother to get up so early? She is missing the point;


1. Early morning foxes behave very differently than at other times. They are sometimes plain reckless. Perhaps they figure that they have the hills to themselves. Foxes are much more wary later on.



2. Why miss the sunrise – you are along time dead.


On the way home I practised my new Roe Deer caller on a young buck. No interest whatsoever – then I saw why – a beautiful hind under a nearby tree. I think he figured he was about to pull so why follow up a strange sound. I don’t shoot deer – I just like to practise the calling.


Don’t you just love ‘La Weekend’?







Edited by badsworth
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WEEKEND – Part Deux


I thought I’d give the area I shot yesterday a break – the cub I missed is likely to be lying low for a while until he starts to get hungry.


I went to another area where I know there is a large den hidden in a very thick bramble patch. The last time I was there I called out a large fox but was unable to stop it with number five shot at about 40 yards.


I arrived at about 0515 and started a slow stalk beside the hedgerow up to the den. A large Badger was snuffling along on a gradually converging path. They are amazing – they seem to ignore their eyes and ears and operate on smell alone. The Badger ignored me completely and eventually crossed my path about ten feet ahead of me.


I got into position as close as possible to the den and waited………..


About 0605 I was starting to get a bit bored and started to toy with the idea of giving a call. A couple of Magpies were in the trees above and I started to convince myself that Charlie was not going to come so I might as well bag one of them instead.


Suddenly I spotted a Foxe’s head as a very large vixen had a quick peak under the nearby gate and started down the path towards me. Safety was already off and a couple of clumps of grass shielded me as I shouldered the gun. Bang – x1 shot at about 25 yards.


This turned out to be the largest fox I have shot so far – surprisingly a vixen of about 4years old. She weighed about 12-15 lbs I think – but it is hard to tell in the field. I’m glad I didn’t have to carry her far. I am certain that this is the fox I peppered before so I am glad to be able to finish the job properly.


I love weekends!





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Well done,do you only use a 12b for your foxing.I usually use a .243.Never realy tried a 12b.After reading your success i might give it a go.I know where there is a couple of dens to try.How would i go about it,times of day,do you put a bait out to attract them,what calls etc

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I am waiting for my FAC to come back. I will be getting (Hopefully) a .22, .17HMR and a .223. I will enjoy having the extra range.


However, I do enjoy the flexibility of the SG. With the right cartridges and the right choke it will do just about anything - but closer in.


I have a variety of calls - you need to try a few. Don't forget the back of your hand either. It works for many shooters. Try to get hold of one 'the Warrener's 'videos or DVDs. He is a bit of a master at Fox calling and you can learn a lot from him.


Times - well round here you can find foxes any time of the day or night. But like I said above - they get a bit reckless when they think there is no-one about early on.


You need to do a bit of swatting up on the life cycle of the fox too - it will help you to understand what they are up to at any particular time of the year. For instance in November they are into the breeding season and will take all kinds of risks to find a partner. Different calls are used then to immitate foxes rather than their prey. You need to learn a bit about their use of dens and territory.


Lastly you need to cultivate a 'nose' for fox scent. It is not as difficult as you would think - they stink to high heaven. After rainfall or on a dewy morning they will re-mark their territory to keep out other foxes. By using my nose and watching the trails in the damp grass I have managed to track them down. And I do NOT have a great sense of smell!


If you can think of anything else I will try to help.


Good Hunting!


Oh yes - I haven't noticed much difference due to the end of Hunting with Hounds yet - but I think it will be apparent next year. Don't worry about wiping them out in your area - there are thousands of the blighters and they will multiply faster than shooters can ever thin them.



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Thanks for the advice badsworth,most of the land i shoot hasn't been cut yet.Me and a mate lamp it approx 3000 acres.Last week they started cutting the rape within 10 mins of the combine leaving the field a cub was on his way to meet his maker.We had 22 last year hope to beat that this year.

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Rob - I've had 13 since mid April so I have a bit of catching up to do. Every time I think I've cleared the 2-300 acres I shoot the farmer pulls my leg about the foxes he has just seen. He's right too! I'll never win but it is fun trying.




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