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Golf courses


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I shoot on a golf course and know many more that are riddled with rabbit, if a contractor is not used normally some of the members look after the bunny control, I would go ask if I was you. You want to speak to the Club Secretary or the head greenkeeper, maybe find the head greenkeeper first. You will need lamping gear and insurance as obviously it is a bit tricky shooting during the day!

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The only trouble with golf courses,in my experience,is people pay a lot of money to play on them,so your shooting time could be limited,due to the fact they will be teeing of at the crack of dawn and finishing off at last light(we all like value for money) so unless you get permission for lamping,you could be onto a loser.I shot two courses local to me for a couple of years,but let them slide due to the limited times,however if you have no other permissions to shoot over,limited shooting is better than no shooting :) BB

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have two golf courses to look after and the first one came after speaking to the head greens keeper.


We are very limited sadly as said above on times. We can only shoot between 5am and 7am and lamping after 10pm to 1am.



blimey that is sad but,better than nothing.


see the greenkeeper first,he knows more about the shooting side than the people on the desk..that is who i always aim to see and he will also know where the rabbits are doing the most damage and saves you doing loads of reccie sessions to find this out on your first visit.

i shoot 3 golfcourses and only one allows us to shoot when golfers are playing but,the other two allow some leaway..ie as golfers are finishing or very few on,we shoot where no golfers are playing....we shoot say on the 2nd hole,someone may be on the 4th hole..no problems have arisen from this format.

also the one we shoot anytime(the only time we are not to shoot is when a tournament is on and that is not much to ask),as squirrels do not come out of a night and so we have to shoot when golfers are about and the crows neeed to be shot to.

we can lamp also at anytime,no restrictions but,we do think about the noise as i have the hmr and 22lr,which is very quiet compared to the hmr,which i do use on the bigger golfcourse with very few houses about.

if you can get on a goldcourse(mispelt on purpose,as that is what they are to me) i say go for it,the green keepers are very good at backing up good pestcontrollers and will in time give leaway(hopefully).



ps,i also used google earth to find golfcourses localish to me and got 2 that way..good luck.

pps,always call in person as they get loads of letters and seeing you,they then can sort of weigh you up,so`s to speak.

Edited by albob
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  • 1 month later...

The trouble with golf courses round here is that most of them are ringed with big houses which makes lamping in the dark a bit dodgy since you don't know whats behind your shot, richocets etc. Also, you would be amazed how many unauthorised people there are wandering around on golf courses at night. God knows what they are up to.

Edited by Vince Green
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