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Original Pigeon Magnet


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I have an "Original Pigeon Magnet" I've had it a few years and it's been great, trouble is when I was home in May I lost one of the Wing sections, I can't remember where I bought it. Can someone tell me where I can get a new one, as I'll be home on the 17th for a few weeks and hope to get a bit of shooting done.


I also want to modernise my gear, I'm like a Tramp when I go Decoying, with five gallon drums and hessian sacks full of Deaks and all sorts.


I know some of the suppliers are on here.


Help please



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Don`t knock the five gallon drum. :< I`ve used one for years and wouldn`t swap for anything else. Get `em free and they do the job. :/


Army surplus is the way to go. I got a 100 litre Dutch Army bag for £15.00 and it takes everything I need. Cam net, cartridges, cradles, shell decoys, cushion :/ crow deeks, etc. etc. etc. Still room for the kitchen sink. ;)

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