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Martini actions

Dave 101

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I have just added a W W Greener GP MkII 12 bore shotgun to my collection of Martini actions .



BSA Model 12 in .22 Remington jet .

BSA Model 12 in .22 lr

BSA Model 12/15 in .22lr

BSA MkII International , Redfield scope . light weight . in .22 lr

Vickers .22 lr









Edited by Dave 101
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what did you tell the FLO to be allowed 3 .22lr s on your ticket ?

I am only curious as I usually shoot with my son and am thinking of applying for my FAC. However the idea of sharing a gun with the boy has put me off.


Sorry 4 22lr s

Edited by alexr
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Hi Alex .

I have 9 .22 rimfires altogether , my FEO has no problems with it , four of them are for hunting , well on paper any way , I only ever asked for 1 the CZ , but he put down the 10/22 12/15 and a BRNO Model 4 TR .

My club holds competitions for historical rifles and he is involved with the club , we do a lot of work with our Firearms dept , had a range day for them a couple of years ago every one from the unit manager to the secretaries attended to shoot fullbore . We have a few collecters in the club and it gives a chance to explain why people want more than one rifle .

Every rifle gets used as partner and 2 of her daughters shoot I have the CZ in a short stock for my partner and the 10 yo uses the Vickers as that had a cut down stock when I bought it . Its difficult sharing a rifle as we all fit into different rifles and scope set ups .

As far as FEOs are concerned the need for another rifle has to be justified with good reason , all be it collecting , hunting day scope or NV , range disciplines , precision , gallery etc .

When I have applied for variations usualy 2 guns at a time I have had time limits imposed 12 months to fill the slots but thats never been a problem because I noemaly have a rifle lined up before applying .



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