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What shooting Organisation


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As the question of Who can offer me what pops up alot, Whilst a bit bored i have compiled a Table of the various shooting organisations (that i could find / think of) with a very basic summary of what is on offer.


it is not a concise table and only the basic things that are advertised in the membership section are included.


This is not to show alliance to any Organisation and they have been added on the table in order that I found them or could think of them.




I will add / amend the table for any glaring inaccurate info or to add any other organisations if you Pm me the details, Please do not PM me saying A dosent help or B is better than C but not as good as E - this table is for info only and as always YOU PAYS YOUR MONEY AND MAKES YOUR OWN CHOICE.



(Sorry its an attachment as i couldnt insert a table - as i dont know how)


Edited by ph5172
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Nice idea but maybe you should have got ALL the information needed before posting it. :good:


as was stated, the info provided was gleaned from what was available on first sight in organisations summary screen, i wasnt going to trawl through insurance policies to find out levels of cover, or reams and reams of info to see if you get a magazine once a year.

If anyone has hany first hand info the can pass on please PM me with it and i will update.


Are those organisations that dont make information 'at a glance' easily accessible really going to lobby parliament or read small print of any hunting bills when they cant even put basic info on a prospective members site?


or you could just compare them youself... as i am not a meerkat

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Your idea is good - it's a kind of decision matrix that can help people decide what's right for them for any decision. When I'm making may choice who to join / renew I take account of these factors and a few more. Some are more objective than others, some are simple fact. But everyone needs to decide what's important to them before they include or exclude those factors.


The more subjective factors I also use are things like-


What is the quality and amount of readily available info. on offer e.g. web-site?

What kind of local presence does the organisation have?

What events do they run / organise / sponsor?

What do I see / hear them do to encourage my sport?

How recognisable is the organisation to others such as farmers or gamekeepers? e.g. "I'm insured / a member of such and such" - what response is likely?

What is the main focus of the organisation?

Can I get discounts or other benefits by being a member?

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A few more bits of info to add when i have access to the table, and another couple of columns to go in.


Anyone else with things they would like to see added/amended please PM me with the info (if poss)


How about personal experience of problems and successes... but this is obviously highly subjective

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