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Noticing a flame coming from the chamber of a self loader can be a normal occurance in low light . But a sheet of flame as described in your post could be that the gun is firing out of battery . This is when the gun is firing when the bolt is not fully closed and locked up, allowing burnt gas to vent through the breach infront of the bolt , or it could be that the guns timing is out and the bolt in opening before all the pressure has left the barrel . If it is a sheet of flame spewing out of the breach then I would have it looked at .


Harnser .

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I agree with Harnser. I've worked on many Urikas and have hunted ducks in low light, and shot coyotes at night with autos for years. Flame from the muzzle... yes. Sheet of flame from the receiver.... I'd have it looked at. The locking device on a 391 is on top of the bolt, and normally it takes a ton of shooting for it to get out of spec, but it sounds strange to me.


Could be risky for the guy on your right. If the gun is not locked up during the ignition cycle, all kinds of bad stuff can happen, the least of which is that you wouldn't be getting all the horsepower out of your ammunition.



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Most unusual if not impossible for a firing mechanism to operate unless the bolt is fully engaged, The mechanism's are designed to make this impossible. I have worked on semis that the firing pin was stuck forward on that discharged when the bolt slammed forward.

If this is not the reason, then I would think it't just excess powder and gasses venting. When the timing is out you normaly have ejection faults, as the bolt is slow to release from the tang extension, or whatever system is used to lock it.

I am speaking of gas semi's not recoil or inertia types. :good:

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