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Fresh Stock


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Now just why I haven't ever bothered to make any before I have no idea but week last Saturday I made some chicken stock using the fresh carcass of a chicken I had jointed and filleted.


It was a basic stock and I simply added an onion, carrot, celery, and few peppercorns. It simmered away for several hours and was allow to cool overnight. It was bottled in the morning and smelt simply delicious.


I just haven't got round to using it. If had given it any forethought I would have frozen it as I understand it freezes well.


The question is though, how long will it last in the fridge?

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If you boil it up every day you can keep a stock pot going for weeks. I just drop more bones and veg in and top up the water, taking stock out as I need it.


Once I know some reason why I cannot use it, or will be away for a while I strain all the bits out and boil it to reduce it and then let it cool before freezing.

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I think freezing is my best bet. Whilst i'd like to, I don't think I could keep a stock pot rolling for long.


It's disappointing that I have had to pour two litres of the stock away, but I have learnt two valuable lessons, so in a way, its worth while. 1. Fresh stock is vastly superior to any alternative and 2. Freeze what you can't use straight away.

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