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Army & Navy 'The Watts Gun' - Matching Pair


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I am currently having a matching pair of Army & Navy 'The Watts Guns' valued with Bonhams with a view to selling them in the near future. Very pretty English SLEs that belonged to my father. I should have some pics to post within a few days.

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I'm hoping for a valuation of between £4,800 and £6,000 for the pair. I'll let you know when the valuation comes through - dropped them off at William Powell in Birmingham today. Apparently, leading auction houses such as Bonhams/Christies/Sothebys charge up to 28% commission :rolleyes: Will try and sell them on guntrader but there's no telling how long that might take. Could be years! They are in good as opposed to excellent condition and are cased in the original oak and leather lined breakdown case. Very fine scrolling and beautiful stocks. They are quite old though, not sure how old but we've had them in our family for about 45 years. Strange and disturbing experience selling a family heirloom - no one values something quite as much as you do.

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