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Any Game dealers or Butchers on here ?

Salop Matt

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I would be curious to hear from game dealers / butchers on how there trade in bunnys has been since HFW`s push on bunnys !


It would be nice if his efforts had resulted in more of joe public asking for bunny or trying to get hold of it ?

Also if more resuraunts are requesting rabbit products to ?



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i work in a restaurant in hampshire and we have had a problem getting rabbit,the silly turkey time is on us now so we dont need it now but in november as fast as we got them in i could de bone the saddles,mousse the barons and wrap in parma ham and knock them out,the problem is that land owners dont want any one other than phesant or partridge shooters to which I sell large amounts of but the interest in rabbit is high,and our problem is getting a constant supply to cover the needs of our menu

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Saw wild rabbits for sale in butcher shop today at £4.20 each.I bet he only paid a pound for them.Not a bad profit

Not a massive profit margin really when you take in butchers wages £500 a week for top butcher running costs of the shop ,insurances etc.

We all want to earn a crust I think sometimes we are all liable to forget business need to make a living.


Edited by Over the hill
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I must have been in the wrong buisness then

I ran a fishing tackle shop for 13 years and my mark up overall was about 25% and the butcher doesnt have every swinging d--k trying to knock the price down because they have seen it elswhere a few pence cheaper.I agree that a buisness has to make a living.

I think 320% mark up on a bunny is excesive.

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I agree your mark up was low I have worked in agro sales for fert and feed sales for a large co op .

The strange thing is farmers wanted the best price when we bought the grain in summer but when they bought cattle feed they wanted it for nowt that the problem with a co op based business

Is it really 320% mark up we cont know what he is paying but I am getting £1.75 for a ferreted bunny so if the game dealer adds his margin.

I dont think £4.20 is overpriced if the butcher is paying that much from a dealer.

Dont forget because of that not so great thing the EC butchers can no longer buy from you or me direct because of eu rules etc.

When I was younger we use to supply pubs and butchers with deer etc so with this new middle man eg the game dealer price will rise.


Ps did you sell your fishing shop ebay has killed fishing shops IMO

Edited by Over the hill
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game dealers in the hampshire area are paying more for the raw product at the shoots to keep up with the demand,to beat each other to the raw product

so the end selling price will be more after processing even a rabbit at £4 is a good sustainable meat that lived a happy life better than the crappy french farmed sh 1 t

I feel spoilt sometimes paying £2 abrace at a shoot or having some rabbits given but the money is in the preperation weather its a rabbit phesant or venison lets face it some people dont like getting thier hands dirty and will pay top price for prime prepared joints its the same old story the cheap long cook cuts take a back seat ,ie venison tongues and liver

going back to the opening of the forum with hfw he has always saic there is more profit turning produce into a saleable product

ie his pigeon pittas with peas pudding at a race course

even my game dealer does the bambi burgers at the farmers market,with a dollop of ketchup

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The butcher probably buys them in the fur for a quid, so you need to take out the time to turn that into a skinned and packed bunny ready for the oven. Yes, it is only a few minutes for a trained hand to do, but that is along with all the other jobs that need doing.


It would only be £3.20 of pure profit if he sold them exactly the same way as he bought them.

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the butcher or game dealer does buy them for a quid,and takes 5 mins to prep them but think about it he has his shop to light maintain rent buisness rates etc work out his gp to food cost,he has to make a living like i said if you get your hands dirty its a cheap and healthy meal

sounds like pure profit but thats nonsense

I work on a 70%gp and have to pay vat on my prices,its basic buisness sense if the oven goes belly up its all got to be paid for just like the dealers and butchers when they have un planned maintainance

my game dealer always looks at my selling prices when i am negotiating prices of meat


I am passionate about my products and always make my margins,whilst others go to the wall i am still standing

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The butcher probably buys them in the fur for a quid, so you need to take out the time to turn that into a skinned and packed bunny ready for the oven. Yes, it is only a few minutes for a trained hand to do, but that is along with all the other jobs that need doing.


It would only be £3.20 of pure profit if he sold them exactly the same way as he bought them.


That would be £3.20 gross profit before contribution. Once you add in wages, insurance, rent, rates, waste disposal, wastage etc then it would be a lot less

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Yes over the hill we sold the shop to another dealer who then after a few years sold it on to an Indian who turned it into a restaraunt and a very good one at that.

We eat there sometimes and my wife and I often remember the things we got up to in the back shop when it was quiet :lol:

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