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strange phone call


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i had a phone call last nite from a man i do not know and it went like this


" hello is that simon"


"are could you help me i have a fox under my shed that has lived their for a year

but it is causeing a lot of problems and i want rid2


of course i reply and state that i will be round with some snares and deal with it

"snares" o no i dont want it killed cant you just cacth it and let it go up the woods


he would not listen and i said no way (the wood,s in question is my beat with 2500 birds ) some people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:unsure: Had a similar thing happen a few weeks ago when a friend rang me to say that she had found a nest of mice in her garage. It is a large double garage full of all sorts of household stuff and furniture so I wasn't really surprised.

I agreed to get rid of them for her and would be over with my air rifle. Shrieks of horror and was promptly told that all she wanted was for me to take them into the countryside where they could live in peace.

After giving her the first 10 reasons that came into my head why I wouldn't do this, including the bit about the mother and who would feed them, she told me to forget it and she would call environmental health in.


The local rat catcher duly turned up at the appointed time and immediately found another nest of mice in the garage which were happily living in the back of an armchair.

He then picked up a suitable length of 2x2 and suggested that my friend left the garage while he set about his work.

The young were quickly taken care of but of course he didn't get the mothers so he then put down poison to finish the job.


It didn't end there though as a couple of weeks later she had reason to believe that one of her Yorkies (mine actually) had eaten some of the poison, so that cost her £80 at the vets to have her pumped out and given drugs. Turned out that she hadn't eaten any at all.


I then asked her if next time she finds a mouse nest wouldn't it be cheaper and more humane if I came over and shot them, to which she reluctantly agreed with me, in that way that only a woman can after being proved wrong. :blink:

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JUST PHONED AGAIN TO SAY YES KILL THE DAMM THING SO I GUESS HE WAS NOT A TOTAL --------- ------ -------- person after all,,, but i have learnt one thing and that is (shocking i know ) not everyone understand,s why we do what we do ,,so i wll in future i will

1, try harder to get my point over with out thinking people just understand.

2. make sure i get paid to do such job,s lolololol

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