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open licence


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i finally had the call i have been waiting for for 2 months,from the police regarding having my land restrictions lifted for a open licence for my .223,already got restrictions lifted for my hmr,so fingers crossed.they are comming on wednesday 30th for a chat ,so the kettle will be on and out with the christmas pudding and hope all goes well :yes:

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They come to see you!? How long have you had your FAC for? I got mine opened after a year with lots of references and well worded letters. Never got another visit though (but then I've been in this house for over a year and they haven't checked the cabinet yet)!


Good luck. If your rimfire is open then you should be ok with a .223 hopefully.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the firearms chap came today and all is well,he had no problem opening up my licence.he said the house visit was just to keep the girls in firearms department happy,as he said, i would have done it over the phone but the girls in the office think i should do more home visits.he didnt even look in my cabinet, we just talked about the ****** people and the trouble they get into on new years eve and after he finished his cuppa he said i should have my licence back in a week.result :D:blush:

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Thats pretty good, i have asked twice for an open now and been turned down, maybe due to the fact i keep going up in calibre a few months before :blush:

the last thing i want is an open for this cal but not for that and so on so i will wait another 3 months, its not affected my shooting too much.


the thing is i dont know what calibre to go for next.

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