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Docter or Schmidt?


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Right chaps. I've got a choice of a Docter ZF 6x42 M or a S&B 6x42 german A7 for the same money. I want it for bunny bashing with my .22lr. The Docter is in slightly better condition but not by much and they are both good scopes. Which would you buy? I have a S&B and it's great, but I've also had a Docter on another gun and that was bloody good too. I can't decide! The S&B has the snob factor for me as it's a bigger name IMO, but I'm not a brand man. I want the better scope not the better name. :lol:

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Better rifle Gram? That's impossible! I took it to the range on Sunday and shot a group the size of a 5p at 25 yards. Considering I was using a very low quality 2.5x scope I was impressed. If I could see what I was doing properly I recon it will shoot bullet on bullet! CZs are great :rolleyes:


My understanding of the Docter scopes was that they were part of the old Zeiss factory, but I din't know if S&B had sneaked ahead in recent years. I think my judgement will be down to the thickness of the crosshair. I'll go for the finer one if there's a difference. :lol:

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It's ok. I'm not offended by your comment. What you say is true, the scope is worth more than the gun. What you're overlooking though is that that's the way it should be.


The best rifle in the world will shoot like a bag of **** if you don't use quality optics and fix them to the gun with decent mounts :rolleyes::lol:

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It's ok. I'm not offended by your comment. What you say is true, the scope is worth more than the gun. What you're overlooking though is that that's the way it should be.


The best rifle in the world will shoot like a bag of **** if you don't use quality optics and fix them to the gun with decent mounts :rolleyes::lol:

i agree to your point in general, but a rimfire doesn't give any recoil so there's not much chance that it'll fall to bits. whereas on a centrefire the build quality of the scope makes all the difference.

by the way, what's your opinion of opti mate? I was looking at one on flea bay last week, checked them out and they seem quite good, the rfd i spoke to really rates them, they're not cheap, but not as pricey as docter or s&b.

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I know a couple of chaps who really rate their 20x42 for long range shooting. They'll stand up to the recoil of .308s and I think one guy even has one on a .300 Win Mag. The clicks are very positive and always return to zero after being dialled off. I have no experience of any of the other scopes though.


I have a 20x42 in the gun room. It's only really useful for shooting over 100 yards in daylight so I'm not even sure why I have it!

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