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advice on gaining shot gun ticket


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Hi going to apply for my shot gun certificate and wondered if any one could tell me the best ways of achieving this,


should I join a gun club ?


should i take insurance out ?


where should i put a cabinet ?


whats the best cabinet to use ?




i do have a 24 acre farm to shoot on which im sure will go to my advantage


thanks guys :)

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You just have to say what your intention is, i.e. Clay shooting, rough shooting on your own land etc. You don't have to prove good reason to the extent of a Firearms Certificate.


Answer all questions with complete honesty and get the kettle on for the FEO when he/she shows up. I was asked about drinking habits, any medical issues and who my friends were etc and that was about it.


I already took out BASC insurance which duly impressed him and got 3 gun cabinet off Ebay for about £95 I think.


I got my cabinet fixed in advance on an external wall and inside a built in cupboard before the visit and the whole process took less than 3 weeks start to finish. (West Yorkshire) GMP are supposed to be even quicker than that!


Best of luck with it. :)


Roger (just over the hill in Holmfirth)

Edited by RogerH
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You don't need to justify a reason to own a shotgun licence. So long as you are of sound mind and have a clean criminal record (This isn't a set down rule, as exceptions can be made) you're fine to have one, or ten guns :angry:


Fortunately in this country shotgun licences can only be denied if the issuing force can find a genuine reason why you would be unsuitable to have one.


Either ring up your local firearms dept. or print off a form and post it in. You will need photos and professional references, but it can easily be done in 2-3 days and you should have your licence in a month.


In regards to cabinets: First time licence owners usually go for 2/3 gun cabinets, which are under £100 (You'll get some good deals on Ebay.)


I hope this helps :)


Merry Christmas :no:

Edited by harfordwmj
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just been on the form and there is a grant section


what is this ? :)


i am also stuck on the form wich isnt a good start, it says tick the box that applys to you


a grant for a fire arms certificate

a renewal of fire arms certificate (not this one i no)


a variation of a fire arms certificate


which one do i tick?

thanks for all your help guys this is why this site is great :angry:

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  • 4 weeks later...

:angry: You have to laugh Guinea Fowl the form is posted by

GMP for you to download and print (reproduce) and

there is a copyright notice on the bottom telling you

the need to seek permission in writing from HMSO to do so.

don't you just love the civil (dis) service. ignore and print!

Its a good idea putting it up on the GMP site and better still

when they place a notification of buying sale or transfer form

with it

I'll be dropping them an email suggesting it very nice

helpful people to deal with. BTW if you have any questions

a phone call will usually get answer very quickly. :angry:

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