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Quick walk out this afternoon


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Missus went out family visiting today so i decided to empty the dog and go for a walk...I have 5 fields of permission at the top of the road so i took the YEOMAN..(for sale in the guns section)..Wasnt expecting to see anything really...Didnt take any other gear...MISTAKE...Got over there and there must have been 100/200 crows,jackdaws etc on or floating about over an old stubble field thats had cow in it of late...I had a wander over and saw they were feeding on a area of spilt grain...Not having any gear with i propped a piece of corigated galv roofing sheet up for a make shift hide...Far from ideal as you cant see through it...Anyway..I soon emptyed my pocket of cartridges...Decision time...I briskly made my way home to pick up SGC and wallet and walked to the local cartridge dealer..(just happens to be over the road from the fields)...Got a box of cheapy carts and made my way back over....By the time i'd emptyed the box i'd hit 17 birds...15 crows 2 jackdaws..Set all the dead birds out in a pattern on the grain...They just kept coming in..Not being able to see through the galv,I was having to guess where they'd be and pop out from behind the hide...More often than not,they were going the other way....Picked all except 3 that i couldnt find....Ill be over there agian tomorrow all being well...be taking the hide this time and plenty of carts.....Sorry about the blurred picture.



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