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My S200

Maori Haz

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I seek advice from fellow airgunners.....


I am growing tiresome of my s200.... i went to my Good friends house.. he bought a new logun axsor and we went out on a squirrel hunting foray. We saw one at the base of a tree and he hit it and it jumped and literally walked off.. about 5 mins later it was on the ground stone dead from where we last saw it. Again we saw a squirrel in a field nextdoor.. i took a shot and it just walked off and left as if it wasn't a problem. The next 5 we saw we both took shots, mine were missing for some reason and his hitting home. I could not believe it, it's zeroed and i have got a few squirrels in the past with it. So i thought i might get a logun solo, but do you think someone will swap their solo with silencer and zeroed scope for my s 200 with a silencer and scope? or is it completely obsurd.


Please post,


Harry. :blink:

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No dont think its too abusrd, though you moight have to throw a few quid in as well.


Though i think you might have more luck if you decide to sell your S200 and then buy a Solo


but i dont think the rifle would be any betetr or worse than the S200. It may just be that you need to practise a little more. May find it well worth while finding your local gun club and popping along there. 1. enables you to practise at variouse ranges. 2. You would be able to pick other members brains over any problems as well as being able to use the other rifles down there and finding out what else is about for the money you want to spend.


The S200 is in my opinion one of the best rifles out there under £300, and certainly better than a lot of rifles over that price!!!!


ROB :blink:

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Check that the rubber washer is still on the bolt, if this has fallen off you wont get a tight air seal and it will effect accuracy. Mines fallen off about 10 times, so had to make my own.


The gun is about as accurate as they come, so if its not the gone wrong, try a lttle more practise. Remember if you are shooting up trees your zero will change cos there will be more gravity acting on the pellet if shooting at a higher angle..

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The gun is about as accurate as they come, so if its not the gone wrong, try a lttle more practise. Remember if you are shooting up trees your zero will change cos there will be more gravity acting on the pellet if shooting at a higher angle..

Gravity is constant!!

When shooting up at a steep angle LESS hold over is needed. Infact you aim lower whatever as gravity affects the pellet differently and is less of a hinderance.


Well I know what I mean anyway :blink:

Should have listened more in Psychics class. :lol:

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I have recently gone through a similar thing with my rifle. It wasnt shooting well at all. My buddies kept telling me it was me not the rifle, which was rather painful. But you know what, they were right. I had lost confidence in the rifle and couldnt get this out of my head. In the end a good plink sorted it all out. I am now producing tight groups out to 50 yards.


The point being the rifle is more than capable and way more accurate than me. Sometimes you forget that, but a good plink now and then will always restore your faith.


I don't think changing your rifle for another will make any difference. Particularly when the rifle you have now, is equally as good as the one you want. Have a good plink before you decide, at least its free!





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Well I know what I mean anyway 

Should have listened more in Psychics class.


Well that told me!! :blink:


Just thought it would slow the pellet down as it is fighting gravity more because of the steeper angle, thus effecting the POI.


Well I Know what i mean anyway! :lol:

Edited by Jon-Boy
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Theres somethin special about my s200, dunno if its to do with the combo of gun and scope height or anything, but it always seems to hit where the cross hairs are pointing anywhere from 5 to 35 yards (zero). The only hold over i have to give is beyond 35 yards. Where with all my other rifles and scopes, i have to shoot under the target below 35yards. I love my s200 to bits, no hold under needed below zero, what ever i point at goes down.... Always hits the spot!


Unless i miss of course!! :blink:

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