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lincoln premier gold (is all right)


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hi all bought a lovely lincoln premier gold from my local gundealer just might be picky but on assembling the gun from case i noiced that when closed the opening lever doesnt go central ,it does when i desembled and pressin catch to park the lever is this normal with new guns .my other 20 bore is in middle but its well used.phoned dealer and he has said its normal and over time about 2 years it will centalize. shouldnt really be too picky as got him down from£720 to£600 :good:

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hi all bought a lovely lincoln premier gold from my local gundealer just might be picky but on assembling the gun from case i noiced that when closed the opening lever doesnt go central ,it does when i desembled and pressin catch to park the lever is this normal with new guns .my other 20 bore is in middle but its well used.phoned dealer and he has said its normal and over time about 2 years it will centalize. shouldnt really be too picky as got him down from£720 to£600 :good:


Yes thats perfectly normal for a new gun, probably best not to try to centralise it by pushing the lever over though.. in time it will on it's own.

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