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Finally got round to going shooting on some ground along the road from me that I had been given permission on ages ago. Loas of land, pasture, stubble and a massive wood with a stream going through it. I never thought there were many pigeons in the Troassachs. But i was to be proved wrong.


Thought I would try the wood to see what was flying in and out. Sure enough there seemed be a decent enough flight line coming from some stubble over the road. First one came in low and didn't see me as I quickyly snuck under a tree hollow. It came right to left and I nailed it first time. Couldn't beleive it what a feeling ! I love this sport and I love shooting pigeons!! Ended up getting the other two in about another 20 mins in the same spot. After that just kept walking about trying to see other flight patterns and trying to hide to get into a good spot! There was loads of activity and I kept moving to try and get some more. What a day it was and something to build on for the future interms of a hidemaybe and identifying the right tactics!!


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Dazza i'm using a 12g Browning Medalist Sporter and it does me just fine. Personally I can't really fault it.


Whitebridges dont think there is any trout there, as its literally just a small stream although i could be wrong.


TBRF where were you looking ? on the carse ? My mate said the geese were back, i've still to go and check out his duck ponds though. :blink:


Cheers guys.


Edited by game_boy
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