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remington 700 lvsf


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Much as I would like to it just doesn't work like that.


I have a 700SPS in .308 and so does a pal, both about the same age as well, mine shoots 150g PRVI SP into an inch, he is lucky to make 3inches!!


I have another pal with a CZ 452 Silhouette and SAK, as identical to mine as possible, he uses Eley subs, I use Magtech subs, he was impressed with my performance and tried Magtech and the card looked like a shotgun blast! I can get 1-1.5inch Magtech groups at 100 yards, admitedly with the odd supersonic one and the odd flier!!


Funny old world, but you are just going to have to try a few!


Try a Range or Club, you will tend to find shooters will often let you try the odd round, can be a much better bet than spending £20++++++ on box after box to find they don't work!!

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Do try the Privi Partisans though because if your rifle should happen to like them you are in clover. They are £10 a box of 20. Thats probably less than you could reload them for. They do a 90grn and 100grn load in .243. Try the 90grn first if you can.


As the others have said its all down to trial and error. Plus its very dependant on what you can get hold of locally, that the other big problem these days. Dealers don't carry a big range.

Edited by Vince Green
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Do try the Privi Partisans though because if your rifle should happen to like them you are in clover. They are £10 a box of 20. Thats probably less than you could reload them for. They do a 90grn and 100grn load in .243. Try the 90grn first if you can.


As the others have said its all down to trial and error. Plus its very dependant on what you can get hold of locally, that the other big problem these days. Dealers don't carry a big range.

Thanks for that vince not much choice of ammo around here at the moment thats the trouble with out traveling long distance s for them. il try and get me hands on some of them privi s .

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