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FAC - Open Certificate


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Thanks for that bird boy most helpfull,If i could press you for a little more info,A mentor would be someone that i know with a open F.A.C. would that be correct,Do i write a letter or could i E.Mail my request in.What would be the best way of wording a variation for a 243 for fox shooting,I want a 243 to shoot foxs although correct just dosn`t sound quite right,I want my request to be short to the point and not turn into a short story.thanks again.

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Thanks for that bird boy most helpfull,If i could press you for a little more info,A mentor would be someone that i know with a open F.A.C. would that be correct,Do i write a letter or could i E.Mail my request in.What would be the best way of wording a variation for a 243 for fox shooting,I want a 243 to shoot foxs although correct just dosn`t sound quite right,I want my request to be short to the point and not turn into a short story.thanks again.


You need to write to your feo with the name of your mentor. Yes, he/she needs to have an open cert of at least the calibre you wish to use. Post your licence with the request (top up ammo first !) and he/she should get added. No need for a long letter, just tell them you 'need' a .243 for vermin control. They will hopefully allow this, but probably only with a mentor. Perhaps telephone the feo first to tell them you will be applying for a variation and do they need the name of your mentor now or later ?


Good luck



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Hi Scout, Im waiting to hear back from D&C however the letter they have from me states why i 'NEED' and open cert for the many additional peices of land I am being asked to look after for vermin/pest and also how i am invited on deer shoots which last for one day, so it is impossible to ask the feo to visit for a one day pass essentially. I re-iterated how safe i feel i am with a rifle and the considerable experience i have gained in the past 18 months. See how it goes i guess. Chard (member of PW) is in D&C area and got it opened after 4 months. The only advice i can give you is to say you 'need' not 'would like' and open cert and explain your circumstances. If i get refused on thsi occasion, i will be sending in a job lot of requests for various peices of land !

Hi Dax,

You shouldnt have any issues on a variation up to a .243 but due to you having a FAC for one year, they may insist you go out with a 'mentor' for a period of time. Once the mentor is happy you are safe etc, he will write to the feo to remove the 'mentor' condition. This will then allow you to shoot on your current permissions without a mentor. This however is not classed as an open cert. Only allowed the .243 on your current permissions.





I wouldn't send a job lot in at the same time, I would send them in one at a time as you get them, then when the feo get fed up of seeing you with all these different land slips, your license will open. Also doing a recognised training course such as DSC shows commitment, responsibility and training, which they like, hence the mentor thing. If you have undertaken training, not long til you become a mentor, seemples

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I wouldn't send a job lot in at the same time, I would send them in one at a time as you get them, then when the feo get fed up of seeing you with all these different land slips, your license will open. Also doing a recognised training course such as DSC shows commitment, responsibility and training, which they like, hence the mentor thing. If you have undertaken training, not long til you become a mentor, seemples


Maybe you are right. The DSC is very expensive though. Good advice re putting in land slips individually.



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You need to write to your feo with the name of your mentor. Yes, he/she needs to have an open cert of at least the calibre you wish to use. Post your licence with the request (top up ammo first !) and he/she should get added. No need for a long letter, just tell them you 'need' a .243 for vermin control. They will hopefully allow this, but probably only with a mentor. Perhaps telephone the feo first to tell them you will be applying for a variation and do they need the name of your mentor now or later ?


Good luck



Thanks Bird Boy most helpfull.


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i am also interested in this. I have had my FAC for bout 18 months now and was wondering about getting it opend. My main reason for this is because i have been asked quite a few times to come and shoot rabbits on several farms but getting the forms filled in by each person just for a one or two fields is such a pain!


Getting forms filled in has little to do with checking if the land is cleared. You don't "need" written permission from the landowner, you just need permission. I, like many on here, feel happier having a bit of paper I can produce if necessary that proves I can shoot there but a verbal agreement is ok.


Most of the land I have been asked to shoot I've been able to sort out land clearance over the phone as they'd been already surveyed. Always worth a quick phone call to the FLO to check. Once I have had a verbal confirmation from the FLO that "that land is cleared up to .243" I'll happily start shooting there.

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Any news yet Birdboy, put mine in with "NEED" , so will see what it comes back with.


Hi Scout,


No firm news yet, but spoke to FEO today. She said it should be printed tomorrow (applied for variation to purchase new Tikka T3 Hunter, and to Open the certificate) and posted to me by early next week. She said she would be suprised if they didnt allow my certificate to be opened, so fingers crossed. She said she couldnt see if they had opened it or not.


I will let you know next week.



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