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5.56 radway green (223)

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I stripped the 5.56 RG ammo (62 grain) and the average worked out to 23.8 grains I have replaced the head with a 55 FMJBT and used the lee dipper (20.8 grains) and based on it was N133 with CCI 400 primers COL 2.20.

Can someone put this through quickload and tell me what sort of speed these will produce?

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RG is a NATO standard load and I do not see how you will get a good round from it. It's standard is to group under 3 1/4" at 100 yards. RG used to load 155gr 7.62mm rounds for the NRA and they were better than this as they used the Sierra matchking bullet but since changing to Ruag for the rounds the groups have tightened right up.


There is a saying that is quite apt, "You cannot make a silk purse from a sow's ear"

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