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3 Magic Flights


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Hi all


Just back from Wales had 3 magic flights,


1st Flight, went down to one of my ponds to have a look around on the water to look for signs and oh yes there were plenty there was mess everywhere foot prints in the mud and feathers just what you wont to see. So I set my decoys out and got ready… Ducks started first big packs of mallard teal but again we were after geese so we just watched them it was fantastic, I would say all in all 300 duck came on and off that pond that night!! We waited about 2 hours and still no geese this was strange?? But then along way off a single call then another I started calling them back and here they come about 30 all set wings coming out of the dark we both jumped up and dropped 3, seconds later 2 more came in and we dropped them as well. Bit of a funny night 5 geese. I know my pond and the signs on the floor were telling me there where a lot more geese around then that? I put it down to the moon being full and the geese moving a lot later……….. As we found out in the end!!



2nd Flight went down to one of the farmer’s land who had rang me last time I was down that way!! And oh boy he was having a big problem, grass what grass they have eaten tons of it he was pulling his hair out. (Well what little he had left sorry Jim) but this time we had a long walk on our hands, the field was way to wet for the 4x4 plus didn’t wont the mess the field up any more then it already was….( Plus didn’t want to be telling you lot I got stuck!!! LOL) but anyway walked about a mile and a half found the spot and got set up, geese calling every where! got the shells in the gun and about and minutes later 60 came over the hedge and on to the decoys we dropped 3 and sent the dogs out to pick up, Geese stopped moving for a bit and I had to make a call to David from the Forums about some shooting I was sorting him out, as soon as I put the phone down a single goose came in and my uncle dropped it, a good hour passed!! We shot a couple off ducks there were lots around us but only a hand full came near. The geese were playing hard to get, again I put it down to the moon, just as we were thinking of packing up I heard a call I started calling the welcome call and here they come! About 80 or so in to the decoys we dropped 4 and I loaded up quick and got one more as it past over, we had a chat about that walk we had with 9 geese 2 ducks and decoys, a mile and half doesn’t sound like much but with that lot, trust me it felt like 10miles!! On the way back to the car the geese were pouring in the field we have left so it shows they were moving late.



3rd Flight, we went back down to the first pond knowing they were moving late now, we got down there at 4pm and waited till 8pm before the fist geese started moving! We had a hard frost and the pond was frozen over but the geese use the pond as a marker back to a big lake were they spend the night, so all we needed was to get under the flight line!! The line was about 80 yards away from where we were so we moved ASAP it was f__king freezing!!!!!! But as soon as we got set up behind a stump in the field the geese started, funny how you forget the cold when they are on there way to you!! It was like someone had trend a tap on they just kept coming Skeen after Skeen there must have been 700 to 800 hundred geese in the area we shot 16 and called it a night….. What a flight cold but grate.


We ended up with 30 geese 2 ducks and on our cock day we shot 358 pheasants grate end to the year.



20 geese were given to friends and 5 each for me and my uncle

Edited by Shotgunspud
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