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Land clearance?


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I have access to a small plot of land, approximately 120 (5000sqm in total) metres in length. It is surrounded by open countryside and there are no public footpaths near the plot.


Can I:


A. Get permission to have my own outdoor 100 metre range.

B. How likely am I to get permission to shoot 17hmr

C. Is it just pie in the sky?


Thanks for looking.



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I'm interested to hear about land used for outdoor ranges, as I've wondered if I could request a large calibre rifle just for target shooting. (I do have decent backstops, but my permission is only cleared to .270.)

I think I will check this out later in the year, I would also like to use .303 if they would let me.





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A decent sized bank of earth or a straw bale, something to catch the bullet would suffice, if the land is sloped then technically you could dig a channel to create a backdrop. as far as ranges go, a friend of mine who helps run a target club in horsford is going through the frigmarole of getting his range [ex mod] cleared for 100m [currently only cleared for 25m], the bank has to be built up to about 10m [ i think, i'll find out for sure] but there is only one guy in the country that gives them the all clear and he's expensive, what he says goes basically. as far as 303 goes, this is an obsolete calibre so you can load them with as much or as little powder as you need, i'm sure there are more experienced people on here that can give you the full run down of reloading. Being a member of a target club usually helps with larger calibre stuff, the guys that use the horsford range have got a lot of wierd and wonderful stuff. The bottom line here is your FEO, and if he's agreeable then there shouldn't be any problem.

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.17 HMR certainly wont go through a bale. Ive even seen 150 Grain .308 soft point stopped by and old round bale which was quite wet.

I agree, when i zero my rifles i use a ply or metal plate infront of a hay bale and niether my 17 or 22 have managed to go through yet. my 22/250 on the otherhand i find i have to use a bit of 3/8 plate, and this stops them dead.

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