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Rifle Cleaning


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You will simply need a good brush and rod and appropriate copper/powder solvent, then a jag, some patches and gun oil.


As to specific products, well there will be as many suggestions as there are products!


I use Parker Hale and Dewey rods, almost anything but Bisley scrubbers, Hoppe's Bench Rest 9 Copper Solvent, sometimes a bit of Youngs 303 and Express Gun Oil (both Parker Hale) and a whisper of Legia over everything from time to time, woodwork and all! I prefer the jags with the slot rather than the straight push units! Never had a Bore Guide for the .243.


It's down to what you get used to, plenty of other products will work just as well I suspect, some perhaps better!! :lol::lol:

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I use Forrest Bore Foam, a good squirt up the barrel then leave it for a couple of hours or so. Then scrub out with bronze brush soaked in Hoppes no9 bench rest. Leave for an hour. Then patch until clean. Then a drop of 3 in 1 on a patch pushed through. Then patch out until it comes out clean. I think you should be ok with a universal bore guide, unlike my sako which they won't fit.


A good quality, one piece cleaning rod with a ball bearing floated handle, bronze brush, and jags, I have spear point and loop jags. Its probably not necessary to clean with both products, but it was the method I was advised to use when "shooting in" my barrel. It does a good job so I kept going.



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Best product Ive forund is Boretech Eliminator. Has no ammonia. I only use nylon brushes and flannel patches to clean with. I use Tipton plated jags as this stuff will show blue with anything bronze or brass. Will pull out carbon and copper layers in your barrel that most other products cant shift. Usually takes half hour to clean a gun - 20 minutes of which is letting the solvent work in the barrel.


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  • 2 weeks later...

dewey rod. jag, nylon brush, patchs,borguide, and kg cleaning stuff. carbon remover and copper remover.


patch it out clan then use the carbon remover, patch that out and then use the copper remover, if its still coming out on patchs then put some copper remover on the nylon brush. brush it a good number of times and leave for 20 to 30 mins.


then patch it out dry. barrel will be like new

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Hi, I have the CZ452 .17HMR. I go out and zero, come home and clean it then when I take it out again and try to hit Mr bunny, I miss. Then try a few zeroing shots and find its out and have to zero again. I do make sure that I have not knocked the sights. But it does appear that after I clean it, the zero is out. I dont get it with the .223.

Is there a concensus on whether to clean the gun every time.

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