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Good day on maize poor Bat on magnet


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I was out today on newly cut maize with TABS set up for 0830 (Bit late but hay ho). I put the about 30 sillysods out and camm’d up in preparation. We were under a good flight line with a lot of traffic so we anticipated a good day.

1 hour later, 1 dead woody (shoulders slumping). However the traffic is still high. Reset the pattern to a tight group pattern , dispensing with the L shape pattern reviewed the hide put out a bouncer 1 hour later 2 dead woodies ( shoulders now even lower, conversations was drying up in the hide after a good discussion about bowel movements).

This is the good bit, I put out the magnet.:)?:)?:yes:?:yes:?:yes:?:hmm:?:hmm:?:hmm:??

Within 4 minutes they start to come in, drawing in from good distances some really low birds and some really really high birds just dropping in from 100’s of feet, wings folded straight into a gap between the magnet and coys, wings flaring out at the last moment. “Bingo game on”. 3 Hours later just under 60 birds.


The defining moment was the magnet. I say 3 hours later as after 2 hours my brand new Batt died. When this died the birds dried up. I sent Tabs for the old spare batt in the LR. Fired this one up and bingo off we go again. Until this one died. After that we sat like a pair of lemons waiting for some birds however no joy. We could have had over the 100’s if the Batts had held up. I was gutted However after humping the 57 dead uns back to the LR with all me kitt I was happy with my lot and a good day was had.


Does any one recommend a good Batt that will last 8 Hours that’s light of do most people use a car batt to get the hours out of it.

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try deben group i have a batt from them 12v/18ah /20hr i ran it all day today 9am till 4pm and still loads of power you can contact them on 01394 387762 its small and fit s it a game bag no probs and light to good luck

Is that the paoer sonic batt

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