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been reading a few posts about size of shell for roost shooting. are the birds high when they come in all the time? i have it in my head that you would be shooting the majority when the commit to land in a tree? or is that just rubbish? ive not done alot of this type of shooting as you may tell.

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It all depends on a few things when roost shooting a good wind for a start to keep the birds down a bit and yes you would like to take them when coming in to land but this dont always happen and stiil in some woods the trees are tall making the birds hard anyway . Iuse 5s for roosting and my shot ratio goes through the roof as some very testing shooting can be had :good:

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ive found a wood that has a few sitty trees at one end and in the middle is big fir trees. would this be a good wood to roost shoot ? there def signs of activity in it but i wouldnt say hundreds. there is a big clearing that would be ideal to get them coming in,but that all depends if ther feeding that side of the wood does it? its all ifs and buts for me at the minute.

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I also use 28 or 30gm No6 when roost shooting, I don't think you need any special cartridges for this.


When roost shooting, I am shooting birds passing low over me, to land somewhere behind me .

I try to choose a clearish spot near the edge of the wood, so that the birds are coming in with the wind in their beaks, passing over me to their roost.

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