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This is a picture taken from my kitchen window just to show how close my nearest field is (the other side of the fence).................... that I don't have permission for. I have asked and unfortunately the farmer does not want to upset all the people who have horses on his fields. :good::yes:




And this is the temptation (that I resist) I see every day of the week. :):good:





These fields have not been shot for over 20years and the pigeons and corvids know it, at times the numbers are into the 100's if not 1000's but the farmer rents these fields out so I don't suppose all those feeding pigeons give him much concern. But it's playing havock with my knees as every time a big flock flies past the window I shoot out of my chair as if my backside is on fire. My wife is also starting to worry that I'm developing some sort of strange exercise regime to help my six pack (read that as beer barrel)! Oh, to be so close ........ yet so far!

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that must drive u mad ,mate


Alan, It sure does m8ie. "cluck :) cluck jibba :good: jibba"



That must do your head in on a daily basis :hmm:
See answer above. :good:



Surely during weekdays when the horsey people are less likely to be around you can negotiate getting with the air rifle if that floats your boat. Better than nought.
No guns allowed whatsoever ........ I've tried to explain my air rifle is silent but with no luck. Plus I'm at work through the week from 6 til 5.30ish and it seems some of the horse owners are there 24/7! :yes:
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