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Ferreting today


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Was out this morning with my ferreting pal and our 5 ferrets. Got the first set netted up, ferrets in. No rabbits. Second set we netted up ferrets in thought we had a lay up so locator on spade out begain to dig. Bloddy rabbit on the move again. Next thing we know bolts through a bolt hole that we missed - covered by grass.


Next set we did only 4 or 5 holes but signs were good. 1 Albino went down. Rabbit bolted but rolled out of the net just before I could get to grab it - Another one lost! :) The ferret had another backed up, so out came the space again. However, this rabbit managed to get free again, it bolted straight into one of the nets. The first one in the bag :yes:


Next set we did was a fair size, had around 20 holes. Put 2 ferrets in. One rabbit bolts into one of the nets, just as I was about the dive for it, it broke free :good: Quickly set another net over the hole, within seconds another rabbit bolted from the same hole, which was quickly dispatched by me. That was that set cleared, however, when I picked up my ferret I noticed the collar was no longer on her :good:


The next 2 hours we spent locating and digging out the collar - A 6 foot dig! There was no way I was going home without one collar! Definitely the hardest dig I've had yet!


Once we'd found the collar it was getting on for 3.30 so decided to call it a day. Next time the collar will have to go on the tightest setting - cant be having it coming off again. But all in all, had a good day out :hmm:

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Sounds like you learnt a few valuable lessons today that you will remember for next time. :good:


If you are using the MK3 collars, then you can slide the transmitter along the collar to 'fine tune' the fit around the ferrets neck before doing the strap up. This prevents having to do it up so tight the ferret goes blue in the face or having it so loose that it can slip the collar.


FM :good:

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Sounds like you learnt a few valuable lessons today that you will remember for next time. :good:


If you are using the MK3 collars, then you can slide the transmitter along the collar to 'fine tune' the fit around the ferrets neck before doing the strap up. This prevents having to do it up so tight the ferret goes blue in the face or having it so loose that it can slip the collar.


FM :good:


Yep, my pal said 'you'll of learnt a few things today' :good: Which I did, digging out can be very difficult :yes: Hopefully next time will go a lot smoother :hmm:


It is a mk3 collar, I might punch another hole in the strap as I think the very last hole might be a bit too tight :lol:

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