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fox caller


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Just got my mini colibre caller out to use tonight and found that when I switch it on it makes a continuous high pitched wail, have changed the battery in the caller.


Cannot test the small battery in the remote but the green light comes on.


JG do you have the answer?


Rgds Rob.

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Chuck it! use a small mirror and a piece of polystyrene!! :hmm:




That,s helpful :hmm: chuck it in your direction maybe :hmm:


Thanks steve I was going to try to locate a battery for the remote in the morning, V23GA it says 12v, cant be right its only 25mm by 10mm dia.


Rgds Rob

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The internal battery is a 9V one. ( used to be called PP3 batteries) It also runs on a external battery which is 12V. I use a 2amp/hr 12V battery for when the caller is placed out in a field.


This little battery is in the remote, the PP3 tests fine for power but the small one does not register on my tester.


I have ordered a couple of V23GA batts, just hope that it cures the continuous screech when the call is switched on?


Cheers Rob

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