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British bowhunter explains.


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This is a very good video with regards to Bow Hunting which is well explained. I can understand how so many people in the States are involved on Bow Hunting as it appears to require a high degree of fiels craft!, Even so I could never see it being legal in the UK as it would be so hard to regulate and monitor. You could would almost certainly end up with a load of idiots that can not get a SGC or FAC going out in the fields and woods who would ruin it for the responsible hunters and for the wildlife in general!


Mind you, if it were legal in the UK maybe we could then have an "Open Season for Chavs and Plonkers", that should offer plenty of sport!

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I saw an article about this that BASC did, glad you put it up because i couldnt remember where to find them.

Im glad someones doing a good informative program about field sports.

Cheers for the link,

i suppose i should have guessed, everything is on you tube nowadays!

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