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What to look for?

Shooting Tom

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The old reckie is a must. Talk to the farmer or game keeper, drive around to see if there is pigeons sitting in the trees or woods. Failing this, if I have been busy I tend to go to the field they are in and make them move. Then I sit in the car for a while to see if they come back. If they do, I then set up.


It takes some time to learn where the pigeons live in your area and their flightlines depending on the wind. Sometimes, I try different things to see if they work, the main thing is that I am out there. It keep me happy, the dogs happy, the farmer happy, the gamekeeper happy and of course the wife happy( as I am out of the way).

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what to look of when wanting to decoy a rape field, also what is a good sign for the pigeon shooters such as pigeons splitting up :oops:


thanks guys


Much the same as the guys above, just don`t be despondent as rape can be a curse, one or two bangs and then nothing for the rest of the day.

Getting several shooters in fields close by can move flocks about to good effect.

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