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Hyperflap Rods


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I need the thicker rods anyway and my thin rods are a little short, so they pop out from time to time in strongish winds.


If anyone has a set of callipers, could you please measure and let me know the thicknesses of both size rods please?


Many thanks in advance

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if you're getting hold of some new ones - i could do with a couple if it's easier to buy in bulk



Once I get the right sizes I will look into it, and let you know.


Do you need both thick and thin sizes?



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Why not just UK shootwhorehouse ? They supplied the originals and can surely supply replacement ones :yes: Make sure you use the little rubber ends :good:



I tried that but they don't have other thicker ones in stock, lady said they always supply the black ones as replacements and didn't sound like she was ordering any of the thicker ones. She didn't know the thickness either.

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Guys, I've been looking at carbon fiber rods but this is not the material of the original rods! I have some 1.5mm carbon rod and it seems a lot more rigid than the original rods!


I'm thinking of getting some 1mm carbon rod and trying this out in place of the 1.5mm original rod.


Any plastic/carbon experts out there that can advise? Does anyone know what the original rods are made from?

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go to your local model shop. they have all sizes in there rod rake. i paid £1.50 for a length and it was just enough for my home made flappers. i made 4 crows and 4 pigeons but the rods are 25mm shorter than the shop bought ones so you might need to buy two lengths for yours.


i cut to length and then a small bit of heat shrink, folded it over then another bit over the top to seal that down.


hope that helps you.


All the best



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