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franchi raptor 712


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hi guys.


im looking at buying a franchi raptor 712 tomorrow but i was wondering if any one has any opinions about them.


what are they like for cycleing

careing for etc.


thanks alot.


john boy


Lovely gun, low recoil, mine never refused to cycle anything from 28grm and the weathercoat finish is very good. East to strip down and clean but watch the barrel for rust......(mine was used on the foreshore having said that). I think you'll be very pleased with it :lol: You will get shims with it to adjust fit which are simple to put in.

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The only problem I have is the height of the comb, could not alter it enough with the shims, got a rubber comb raiser and it now fits a treat. It is dead easy to clean, only two options for the piston, one way up for light cartridges, the other for heavy. Mine struggled to cycle cheap 24gms cartridges bought at a clay ground, but never any problems with 28gm upwards.


The one dislike is the receiver shines like a demon, I have noticed it when walking back to the hde and the gun is propped up behind the net.




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