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.410 barrel extensions

johny garden gun

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hi there ive got 2 .410 shotguns that are fac 23 inch barrels one is a breds handy gun the other is a garcia bronco with skeleton stock as ive already got a 6 shot revolving garden gun in 9mm rimfire im not aloud the .410s so wish to add by way of permantly fixing either a chocke extension or another lenght of .410 tubing onto them and get them proofed for sgc. ive heard of this done in the past on .22 rimfires to turn them into shotguns when bored out , there currentl in storage at my rfd but not having much succes with them in getting them done . has anybody out there done similar or knows anything about this operation . i know this can be done as a lot of fac 12 bores where done by permantly fixing the choke extensions on /eg spas 12s. many thanks and hope someone can help . regards johny

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The revolver being a magazine which can hold more than 2 cartridges will always be on a FAC. so you may as well leave it as it is. As you need an FAC for one why don't you keep them both original?


Several people I know just had a piece of tube welded on the end when the law came in about the 24" barrel. The actual bore of the extension was irelevant

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get them given the hushpower treatment mate the full mods are perminantly fixed to make them longer plus makes them quieter :no:

hi there thanks all for advice . the adler 9 mm revolving garden gun is already on my fac thats why they wont have a .410 on aswell . going down the hushpower road do these need to be the full length versions or will i get away with the shorter version.

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hi there thanks all for advice . the adler 9 mm revolving garden gun is already on my fac thats why they wont have a .410 on aswell . going down the hushpower road do these need to be the full length versions or will i get away with the shorter version.



hi mate

they do a 9" which is about £55 threaded, but it would have to be permanently fixed, so probably best ringing saddlery & gunroon mate there men in the know maybe they can loctite the threads or something :devil:

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