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Newbie from the Cotswolds


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welcome nommo


we have a decent number of us round here now we will soon be taking the essex mafia on for numbers.Good luck with the air rifle keep door knocking you will find permission not that hard to come by around the area especially if you are prepared to start off by rat shooting.





What a good Idea....Clay competition....... The Tweed dressed Gloucestershire Gentleman SBS English Sidelock 6 versus the Nylon Tracksuited ( with contrasting piping ) Essex Chavs 3 shot Hatsan pumpers 6. :)


Bet we win the drinking competition too... :unsure:

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Welcome from just over the boarder in oxfordshire .



Kind regards OTH


Hey Over the hill - ahh just remembered I have a back-up plan in Oxfordshire. A friend owns a woodland there that has a squirrel problem :sly:


Welcome, Im also from the Cotswolds.. know the Cirencester, Cheltenham, Burford, Stroud areas like the back of my hand.


You say between Cirencester/Cheltenham are we looking at North Cerney, Duntisbourne, Bagendon area.


Best of luck getting permission, many of the land owners in that area have maintained shoots so getting shooting rights will not be easy, Ive just got access to one of the Major Estates after nearly 30 years of trying!


However most in the area are pleasant people so dont be put off by a knock back or two.


Try Cirencester Golf Club, they always have a rabbit problem.


Hiya Mike - yeah - that area is pretty much it. Plus Rencombe, Woodmancote, Elkstone etc ;):yes:


I have noticed that most of the local woodlands I go walking with the dog are essentially pheasant farms. There's still possibilities.. I have been wondering about the golf club :hmm: Also the one in Cheltenham (drove past that today).


Welcome to PW - I am in Chipping Campden. Nobody shoots anything where I live the place is over run with all sorts.


I counted 9 foxes last night when walking the dog around the village at about 10:30.


I hardly see any fox round here... not sure why. I reckon there are getting too cosy in the towns though - easier life once they got the hang of crossing roads...


welcome nommo


we have a decent number of us round here now we will soon be taking the essex mafia on for numbers.

Good luck with the air rifle keep door knocking you will find permission not that hard to come by around the area especially if you are prepared to start off by rat shooting.




Hey Nick :lol: Haha - yes - big up the Cotswold massive! There does seem to be a few of us on here! At the moment I would be happy with target shooting mate! Have had my air rifle for 2 days now and haven't some much as cocked it :oops: But as soon as I can get some decent groupings - I may well be down the parents-in-law's farm ridding them of rats...


TBC.... apparently I 'posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text'!

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What a good Idea....Clay competition....... The Tweed dressed Gloucestershire Gentleman SBS English Sidelock 6 versus the Nylon Tracksuited ( with contrasting piping ) Essex Chavs 3 shot Hatsan pumpers 6. :lol:


Bet we win the drinking competition too... :hmm:


Jolly good show old chap :lol: Haha - actually sorry to let the side down - but my drinking is probably on par with my shooting :D I am sure I would look fetching in tweed tho LOL


im cotswolds aswell, used to go to school in campden


Hey Emmsy - cor there's loads of us... I went to school in Leyland ooop norf. I am an alien down here really :P







Alreet fella :D





I go to college near Gloucester and I beat up near snowshill :sly:


Cheers Edward - hmmm - that might be one of my ways in round here that... beating for the local shoots... I know Gloucester pretty well btw :lol:


:oops: My business is in Chipping Norton so i'm half one :P


Cheers Jollysp2 - what's your biz? I should have checked our sig out before I started this monster reply! I know someone from round that area - they aren't into country pursuits though AFAIK.


Thanks again for the warm welcomes all :yes:

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